klreeher's reviews
399 reviews

Fame and Misfortune by Kel McDonald

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I liked this! It was very much a short story kind of story-- I want *novel* kind of stories about these people, thought.

Art is lovely, and I really enjoyed it. I've gotta do a re-read on a larger screen than my Kobo, tho, the action scenes were a little hard to follow on a small screen.

Wish the ending had more girl kissing, because I'm shallow, but getting drinks is good too.
Axbridge by Sasha L. Miller

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Well. Same issues as the first one but the pacing had less time to be awful.
Count Taka and the Vampire Brides by C. Chancy

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this hit SO MANY of my buttons, wow. it had a huge cast, and I want moooooorrrrreeeee. that said, it had a LARGE CAST and occasionally it felt like certain characters were sketched in and relied on a certain context that wasn't present.

honestly, i really did enjoy this book-- but i think it could have benefited from an editor who wasn't familiar with the author's fanfic and/or harem manga, because there were certain tropes/in jokes that just don't make a ton of sense without that context. (also, there were a couple cultural generalizations and uses of "gypsy" as a descriptor that made me cock my head to the side and go "whaaaaa?")

also i super understand sidelining the romance between
taka and kae
because of events in the book/there was already a bunch of shit going down/etc, but it felt like it needed some smooching. maybe there's going to be a sequel with smooching? but it needs some smooching. it's too explicitly romantic to hit my smarm hatred, but. smooching.
The Tears of the Rose by Jeffe Kennedy

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The last time I read a book that managed to make me care about a spoiled brat growing up, it was a March Upcountry so this was a surprise how much I liked this book.
Ironclad Devotion by Jami Gold

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Failed out, but for someone else it might be a good bad romance novel.

Like if early Mercedes Lackey wrote a hockey players aquire a baby book.