kmbezner's reviews
444 reviews

Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too by Jomny Sun

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When an alien is sent to Earth to study humans, his fellow aliens doubt that he will uncover much of anything. But during his time on Earth, Jomny meets a pond full of auteurs, a dog, Bigfoot, an anxious egg, many bees, and eternal nothingness. From his new human friends he learns lessons about love, friendship, and being yourself. Don’t let the simple illustrations and strange spellings fool you. This book subverts many of our doubts and fears, and reminds us what’s great about being "humabn."
Monsters You Should Know by Emma SanCartier

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Somehow, these monsters are simultaneously cute and terrifying. I found myself flipping through exclaiming at the adorable monster that looks like a tiny elephant, only to discover on the next page that it will eat your hopes and dreams. SanCartier's illustration style keeps the truths behind these monsters from being too terrifying, and the whiplash transition from cute to evil adds an element of humor to creatures that might otherwise be very scary, even for adults.
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

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This book about children returning from their adventures through various fairylands/underworlds/magical realms is everything I could want from a more mature Miss Peregrine’s: it is hopeful, it is haunting, it is a love letter to every day spent wandering through the woods, through attics and cellars, through all those enchanting, mysterious places in search of that One Magic Thing.
Taproot by Keezy Young

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If you’re looking for a story that’s both spooky and sweet this Halloween season, this is the book for you. Blue is a ghost. He’s also in love with his best friend Hamal. But Hamal’s ability to see ghosts has put them both in danger, and it’s up to Blue to protect him. This lovely book is going down with Anya’s Ghost and Friends with Boys as a new favorite ghost story for teens and young adults.