krisreads_'s reviews
742 reviews

Fated To The Alien Rebel by Erin Hale

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I know i said the previous book was my favorite so far in the series but i LIED. My pants might as well be on fire with how bad i lied. I was not expecting to love Jodah and Sage as much as i do but i dont regret it for a single second. 

Jodah and Sage have a rough go at meeting, after Jodah's accident leaves him scarred in multiple ways, he wakes up only to find out he has a mate, but somethings off, and he doesn't feel the mate bond like he should. 

Sage is training to help become a healer in the Tavikh village, wanting to atone for the mistakes she's made in the past. So saving Jodah at first means helping one more person, maybe it'll bring her closer to forgiving herself - the last thing she expected was to be his mate. 

For an Alien romance series, Erin does a fantastic job at keeping all characters unique and different while giving each and every couple their own story. There's an overall plot that spans across the books as a story of its own but the way it plays out through the separate books is done really well! I adore the small world building that's continuous with the series as well! 
Cloak & Dagger Burlesque by Lizzie Strong

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Lizzie never EVER disappoints. I love lesbians and I love THESE lesbians so much that if they existed irl I’d make them scooch over to make room for me. I genuinely had so much fun reading this and when we didnt get such lovely scenes between our main characters the plot was GOING and kept things interesting, the way our two FMC’s worked together was just so dreamy! The continuous building of Kings Fall is a blessing and something that will get me hooked instantly to the world and its characters every time, no matter what. 

While there are a handful of side characters, it’s easy to keep track of them and easy to root for most of them, it left me wanting more and more! I adore Lizzie’s writing and with every book I start I find I never want it to end!
Bound to the Orc Renegade by Krista Luna

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I'm really enjoying this series a lot, its low-stakes (so far) quirky and the plot is a lot of fun to get through, Krista does a fantastic job at keeping the couple and the plot moving at the same time, often times I find that one or the other ends up lacking, especially in the shorter fantasy type books - I'm also really happy that we learn more about this new world and its inhabitants this early in the series! 

Krivoth is exceptionally grumpy, but he is never an ass for it. Which is something I very much so appreciate when it comes to romances and its something I will point out every time. I'm only slightly obsessed with grumpy men that know how to treat a lady, that's all! Taylor's a sweet sunshine gal that is very hardworking and determined, something I also often find  myself admiring in FMC's.

We all know I love a healthy dose of the extra special scenes between the couple and this book, like all of Krista's, did not disappoint. Despite the amount of characters introduced, most of them tend to have their own personalities which is really refreshing to read.
Married to my Grumpy Minotaur Boss by Ami Wright

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Mated to My Grumpy Minotaur Boss was so fun and so cute! While there aren't many ways to write the Boss x Employee trope without plots and stories to get repetitive but the story to this one was really amusing and I loved it!! I adored Justines character and how Ronan’s contradicts it - and I enjoyed their relationship for the most part! 

"all i had to do was ask!" no girl, all you had to do was get strung along, trampled on and have no backbone, apparently. 

its not surprising that i feel the way i do about the MMC considering I dislike bossholes. (Its the fact that he knew what he was doing and still did it for me) but I do think Ronan was ~different~ in his own insane way. He cared for and taught Justine many things that provoked her character growth which I really loved. 

The book and storyline itself was so fun, unique & cute, i found myself wanting more of their story. A really exciting start to what no doubt will be a great series!