krysteendamon's reviews
198 reviews

Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl

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   | Listened to this on audiobook with my daughter. It’s told in a similar manner as all of his other books, and we loved it. 
Authority by Jeff VanderMeer

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   | WHAT???

This book definitely does not fall into the same category as other mid trilogy books, it was really good. Every time I thought I had something figured out, something else would happen and all my predictions were thrown out the window. I need to read the third one now. 
172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad

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   | I liked this. There were a few plot holes (everything would have been more believable if it took place on a different planet) but the overall story was pretty good. The romance did irk me and I think the ending dragged on a little too long, but I’m still satisfied with it. 
The Murders of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson

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 I really liked this novella. It had a couple continuity issues, but other than that, the story was really good and quite engaging. 
The Children's Home by Charles Lambert

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 This book is not for everyone. 

I won’t expand on what the story is about, the less you know the better. And if you’re truly interested in it just based off of the synopsis, then don’t read ANY of the reviews either. Not even this one. Stop reading this and read the book. 

I see that a lot of the reviews state that the story either had no point or that the reader missed the point. I don’t think the story has a singular, all encompassing point. Whatever you pull out of it, is what you need to pull. I can’t really explain it. But I saw a message hidden in folds within the story and it was pretty impactful. 

The writing is beautiful and the characters are intriguing. Throughout the story I kept wanting to know more about them. Morgan is really the only one we ever learn anything about, but by the time I had finished it, I found that I knew who everyone was because the author had built them in a way that allowed me to create them to be who I needed them to be. I’m fairly certain that I’m not making any sense to anyone who hasn’t read it or didn’t get the point. 

All in all, I loved this immensely. And I want more stories like this. If you’ve read and enjoyed this, please make recommendations. 
Across the Universe by Beth Revis

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 Do you know how many hours of sleep I’ve lost over this book? 

Only like 6, but still. 

This book is extremely good. There are a couple things that bother me, but they never detracted from the story itself (it irked me every time Amy said ‘daddy’, she’s 16 not 6). But over all, I really enjoyed it and I’m putting the second book on hold at my library right now.