kylecwatkins's reviews
534 reviews

Witch King by Martha Wells

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
What a read! In an exciting (but disappointing) first, I’ve decided to DNF this book! I’m so used to forcing myself to finish every book I pick up, that I’m pleasantly surprised I decided to end this one. Martha Wells writes a world that is detailed and precise–yet limited and disingenuous. The history created feels lackluster, making the world feel like it only came into being a century previous. The characters’ conflicts lack tension–every struggle is easily overcome, and the conflict of betrayal is…boring. Not to overstep and presume for Wells, but the world feels like one she cares about and knows everything about, and the read reflects that. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to learn about the world in a way that made it seem interesting. Disappointing for sure, but I’m glad I experienced something new! 

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
didnt like, and is not good :(