laiabrary's reviews
234 reviews

Book Lovers by Emily Henry

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"That’s life. You’re always making decisions, taking paths that lead you away from the rest before you can see where they end. Maybe that’s why we as a species love stories so much. All those chances for do-overs, opportunities to live the lives we’ll never have."

[a:Emily Henry|13905555|Emily Henry|] has done it again. Honestly, this woman could release her grocery list and I’d still be the first in line begging for a copy. [b:Book Lovers|58690308|Book Lovers|Emily Henry||92341790] definitely has a romance plot, but I find that the story revolves more around Nora dealing with her feelings and life experiences. Mainly, feeling powerless in situations she is used to fixing. It’s a woman’s fiction before it is a romance.

Nora often feels, as she mentions several times, out of character. This story is about Nora figuring out how where she is comfortable in her own skin. Charlie; and her feelings for him; is only one factor, amongst many others, in her realising she needn’t change anything.

Nora is an example of female main characters we need and deserve to read about. Strong, career-driven, professional, serious.
As Good as Dead by Holly Jackson

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
I picked this book up months ago, read 30%, really disliked it, then put it down.

I picked this back up today, and I remembered why I put it down in the first place.

Holly Jackson ruined Pip’s characters. The book is on top of that very different from the first two in the series qua atmosphere, and not for the better.

I will pretend this book doesn’t exist and that this series is instead a duology.
Hypnotized by Love by Sariah Wilson

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
The side characters and the love interest are insufferable. The writing is juvenile and made me feel uncomfortable too many a time already.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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Like a soap opera, but with corsets and clever insults.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

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Can’t believe I only just read this for the first time ever at 21.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

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"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

Nothing will ever come close to the wizarding world of Harry Potter.