laiabrary's reviews
209 reviews

Indigo Ridge by Devney Perry

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I did not expect to like this book that much.

The only reason I picked this book up is because of the popularity of the second book in the series (Juniper Hill). But since I hate to read interconnected standalones out of order I decided to read Indigo Ridge before actually getting to it.
Twisted Games by Ana Huang

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RHYS MF LARSEN. What an upgrade from Alex Volkov, even better than the iOS 6 to iOS 7 upgrade.
Terms and Conditions by Lauren Asher

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“You’re a pain in my ass.”
“Nope. That’s just the same old stick acting up again.”

This book had me giggling and kicking my feet in the air!

I love Iris, she’s so sassy with amazing comebacks. But I loved her for more than that, her having struggles in her life (dyslexia) made her so real. I respect her so much (yes, I realise she is a fictional character, mind your business) for starting university so many years after having graduated from high school.

Basically, this book met —and exceeded— all my expectations!

Quotes/scenes I love:

“You’ve lost your goddamn mind.”
”Then I hope I never find it again.”

“Who knew you were such a nice guy underneath your grumpy exterior?”
“Don’t go telling anyone else or they’ll be disappointed to find out it’s only for you.”

“What are you doing?”
“Helping my wife.”
My throat bobs. “You’re growing a bit too comfortable with that nickname for my liking.”
“I use it to remind you of your place.”
“And what’s that?”

(there's more but I think that's enough, just go read it!)
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

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Being a woman in STEM myself I feel like whatever Ali Hazelwood writes, it will have me on a chokehold. There is something about her books (women in STEM, duh??) that make me relate to the characters like crazy. I have read a review about The Love Hypothesis wherein someone had stated that it was very much boring because of all the science stuff. Now, if you are going to read Hazelwood you’ve got to know she writes about women in STEM, right?! So you inevitably have to be expecting a bunch of science talk as a way to be able to fully immerse the readers in the setting Hazelwood painted for us. And being a science nerd myself I find that I thoroughly enjoy it whenever the characters are going all nerdy talking about the science they studied or practice. I didn’t find anything in both Ali’s novels even remotely boring. I devoured both books. And I was definitely scared before diving into Love on the Brain because I heard some say The Love Hypothesis was a one hit wonder and that every book Hazelwood writes is the exact same story and same characters (including the novellas). Now, I completely disagree with any of you who say her plots are identical and idem for the characters. Of course there will be similarities, because every author has some sort of formula; for Ali Hazelwood it would be nerdy FMC x tall and grumpy MMC. But that didn’t make Olive and Bee or Adam and Levi the same characters with different names. Considering their scientific preferences influence their personality immensely, to me they definitely don’t seem to be the “same character in a different font” like I have seen many write.

Anyhoo, I believe that, regardless wether you like science or not, you will most likely enjoy Love on the Brain. You might just be lost reading some science-related paragraphs but they will in no way diminish your experience. The storyline was predictable, but I find that this is the case for 99% of the romance books I read, so it didn’t take away from the story whatsoever.
The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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Most reviews I read before picking this up said how disappointing this book was and that it was the worse one in the trilogy. And I believe I owe my thanks to all of you who wrote that, because, otherwise my expectations wouldn't have been lowered and I, most likely, wouldn't have enjoyed myself reading this book in one sitting! I genuinely couldn't put it down. Started reading at 8 p.m. and stayed up until 4 a.m. because I was so enraptured.

In the previous book I concluded that I was team Jameson, and I absolutely still am. The things this boy said...

"I never learned how to be good or honorable, Heiress. I learned how to be bad in the most strategic ways. But now? With you? I want to be better than that. I do. I don't ever want for you━for us, for this━to become a game."

"I can't even hate him now. He's a part of me. He's in me. But mostly, I can't hate him, Avery Kylie Grambs, because he brought me you."

"The only person I trust with all that I am and all that could be, Heiress, is you."

"I love you. I would die to protect you. I would make you hate me to keep you safe because damn it, Avery━some things are too precious to gamble."
I need me my own Jameson, ASAP.
The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber

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Stared at the wall for a good 10 minutes after finishing.
Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood

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This novella had me gushing and I constantly had butterflies fighting for dear life in my stomach. It's official, Ali Hazelwood has me on a chokehold.