lanidon's reviews
1740 reviews

Dark Water Daughter by H.M. Long

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I tried twice and it's really just not grabbing me, I can't even say why. The narration style feels coldly ruthless which is something that often puts me off
The Night of Baba Yaga by Akira Otani

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I really disliked the writing style and the dog stabbing 
Last Call at the Local by Sarah Grunder Ruiz

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I really liked Jack and the portrayal of his struggle with OCD, but Raine's ADHD was treated like a cute and quirky trait which drives me wild. I hate how often ADHD is treated as the manic pixie dream girl disorder

The relationship was also underdeveloped. The author did a good job of laying the groundwork but then kinda just skipped to them being a happy perfect couple with almost no work outside of compulsion accommodations
The Road to Roswell by Connie Willis

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
It really sucks that I have to DNF this because I WAS enjoying it in the beginning. The first three characters (Francie, Indy, and Wade) are fun, if the book was just them it would be good. Then they add on a screaming alien obsessed idiot who yells about alien movies all the time and he's insufferable. Then they add another character who speaks in references to westerns and I genuinely couldn't deal with a second more of this book. Who in their right mind would think it's a good idea to put two different chatterbox characters in their story who add nothing but annoying pop culture references. Please shut up and tell the story, they're not comic relief, they're just annoying

It really sucks because I love the tumbleweed alien as a concept and I really wanted to see where this was going
Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman

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One star extra for the audio performance alone. Hiring an actual child to narrate a book from the perspective of a child adds so much immersion. She does a great job with the adult voices as well, really talented girl

The weakness is the adult characters and the pacing. It starts really fast and then drags pretty long. The parents are immature and unlikable, I think their drama took too much space. The way the parents would freak out and scream and run meanwhile the kid was calm and logical,,,,, it did make it scarier but it also made it more annoying. I wanted less adults and more child perspective, which feels odd to say. I think they could've dug in deeper with her thoughts and emotions

Solid, could have been remarkable, impeccable audio performance
That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
I was out when they made the Ariana grande donut thing into a Social Justice Trend 
The Sins on Their Bones by Laura R. Samotin

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What an absolutely beautiful book. It really embraces not only Jewish culture and mysticism, but the Jewish artform of contemplation. It's an incredibly nuanced and delicate exploration of love, loss, and longing and how morality or virtue does not drive emotion. 

This will not be a book for everyone, you have be open to thinking about some hard moral questions and recognizing the humanity in someone irredeemably evil. It's dark and doesn't shy away from some pretty rough themes. I think it'll either grab you and rattle your brain or you'll absolutely not vibe and drop it. 

I saw a lot of reviews complaining about Alexey getting a POV and taking up space in the story and I have to say I don't think you understand the book if you don't get why it's written this way. He's not a good man, he wasn't the best husband, but you need to see the misguided love and passion and drive through his own eyes to really feel the impact and how it resonates through every other life in the book. It's not meant to be a comfortable or easy book and without hearing his perspective it would be far too simple to write Alexey off as a cartoon villain rather than a flawed and broken man who has been lured past the point of salvation

I will think about this book for a while and I love a good ponder
Don't Want You Like a Best Friend by Emma R. Alban

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
This is very fluffy and very juvenile. The characters have very little depth of chemistry. There's so much chatter chatter chatter that could have developed the story but truly was just vain prattle. Every character is exclusively described by their physical attractiveness and how well they would pair to make good babies, which very quickly starts to feel like eugenics
The Great State of West Florida by Kent Wascom

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
I restarted three different times because I thought I just wasn't in the mood and that's why it wasn't catching me. The writing style feels like the worst part of a Stephen King book, you know when it's very rambley and giving far too many minute and irrelevant details. It lacks any charm or action or atmosphere to actually pull you in