Loved the cast of characters and in a normal genre that gets drawn out far too long, this was a nice fast read. There was constant action, just enough back story and tension.
This is a thought provoking novel that explored societal roles in Korea. I was left feeling disturbed at the end and had a creeping sensation throughout the book. I think this would be a great book to have a book club discussion about. I don't know that I'd describe this book as something I enjoyed, but I found it thought provoking.
I was doing the audiobook for this and I found that my attention was not held. It was hard for me to track what exactly was happening in the book. Would like to try again with maybe a paper copy so I can see when it's shifting to different areas and narration
My favorite part was Olive's family and how they all came together to support her and Ami when needed. I need another story with Diego and the rest of the family as the main characters.
I thought Ethan and Olive's story was sweet, but a little drawn out.
I loved Pip in all the other books, but I just wanted to shake her for 90% of this one. I don't understand why she never asked for help from all the people she loved. I know they helped with the cover up, but why continue to push them away? I found her to be insufferable where usually I enjoy her thought process.
I cannot wait to read the next book! The ending was perfect. I thought the politics of the sythdom made this book even more enjoyable than the first. Several scenes were heartbreaking. I think the story is poignant.
This book had some genuinely funny moments, I thought some of Ari's quips were hilarious and I liked the banter between her and Josh. Josh is probably one of my favorite romance book characters. He seemed more real than most and I loved that he had so many romantic ideas that got challenged by Ari. Ari is one of my least favorite characters. She frustrated me so much. The book also seemed like it was too long.
The parallel stories of the siblings were heart breaking. There were so many really emotions built into this book from caring for sick loved ones, guilt, and family secrets revealed. I loved the connection that both found to the land where they picked berries as children.