laurenbooksit10's reviews
591 reviews

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

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Cinder was recommended to me by a top 5 books of 2012 list put out by one of my favorite bookstores: Powell's. I was super excited to dive in especially since I love retellings of fairy tales from Ella Enchanted to those by Robin McKinley I feel like I've read them all and loved almost all of them. Unfortunately I guessed the end twist within the first ten pages, and I'm really not that great at seeing through a plot! The writing was great, the characters were compelling, and I like the new world that Meyer has introduced, but even for a fairy tale the plot seemed forced and the Lunar/ Earth struggle was pretty laughable. When that's added to a forced romance with a girl who has an I'm not good enough complex, I had to force myself through the rest of the book.