learaloveslit's reviews
211 reviews

The Apartment: A Horror Story (Blumhouse Books) by S. L. Grey

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The Apartment had quite a lot of potential from the beginning. The idea of a haunted house swap, to me, is brilliant. However, the execution of this idea left me disappointed. I would not classify this as a horror novel, but more of a suspenseful, slow burn with very little burn at the end. The moments of scare and suspense in this story had room for growth. When I felt the tension build, it would quickly fizzle out without any kind of satisfaction or release. It was almost as if the authors were afraid to take it too far, when that’s exactly what this short book needed. I found myself struggling to finish this book, but I feel the ending was possibly the best part, saving this book from a 1-star review. This may be the kind of beginner “horror” or suspense novel for someone who doesn’t tend to read horror or suspense.