lemonsmith's reviews
128 reviews

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

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Nope. This isn't possible. This book for teens is somehow magically written for all. I can't. There are too many emotions happening. I am too afraid to get to Deathly Hallows. Might bawl. But the first part of this series has bewitched me. Can't put down any. I am going through it like Firebolt.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

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Halfway through (even though I saw the movie twice), I felt as if this book's not even close to half the quality of Prisoner of Azkaban, but as I reached the ending, it was a mix of pure bliss and melancholia. The foreshadowing and the setup! JKR did an amazing job at it.

Also, someone bewitched me with an imperius curse. I cannot, most absurd, stop myself from reading the series. Thirteen days in and done with four books! Mind you, I am quite a slow reader.