leximg04's reviews
56 reviews

Of Blades and Wings by Eliza Raine

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Did not finish book.
halfway through and i genuinely can’t stand it. no no no 👎🚫
A Curse of Shadows and Ice by Catharina Maura, C.A. Maura

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finished in ~ 7 hours 🥳 very fast paced. lots of icks. and lots of sex. but a good read. NOT reading the second one. 
The Darkest Link by Scarlett Cole

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Did not finish book.
made it to page 31 before becoming absolutely nauseated with this book. hate the writing, hate the chemistry, hate it all. wish i could go back in time and not read it. 
No Pucking Way by May Dawson, C.R. Jane

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Did not finish book.
cringiest thing i’ve ever read. absolute 0 stars. no. never touch again. 
Crown of Blood and Ruin by LJ Andrews

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love but she still doesn’t know how to use question marks
Court of Ice and Ash by LJ Andrews

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love it again

(author does not know how to use question marks)