librarianlayla's reviews
939 reviews

House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig

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3.5 stars.

I'm struggling with my feelings about this novel. It was slow to start, and there were a few niggly things that tugged at me. I think the premise was really good, and had it focused on more of the spooky side, than trying to tie a romance into it, I feel that it would have come across a little better. The romantic side of things seemed out of place and unnecessary to the story. It could have been a fantastic horror novel otherwise, I just felt a complete lack of depth to the entire romance aspect.
The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White

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3.5 out of 5 stars.

King Arthur's legend retold from the perspective of the oft forgotten Guinevere.

An interesting deception based story line concept that sadly didn't pull me in as much as I had hoped. It was an easy to read book, but I wasnt drawn in to the characters. Unfortunately they were all slightly bland and I kept clutching at the few delicious little nuggets that were thrown down, but they didn't last long enough to satisfy. The last quarter was the most interesting and gained my rating of 3.5 rather than the 3 it was sliding towards.

I had such high hopes for this due to being a fan of not only the legend of King Arthur, but also of the previous work I've read from Kiersten. It just didn't seem to have enough substance to it and the character of Guinevere had the potential to be such a complex interesting character but fell a little short.

I appreciated the concept and wish that the energy and depth to the story that came in the last 60 pages of the book had been present throughout.
A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

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I loved this one even more than the first, the new characters really add more layers to this story and I enjoyed the previous characters growth and change.

I'm sad that some of the things I was rooting for in the first book, aren't coming to pass, or at least certainly are not in this book haha but what reader can honestly say they haven't wanted different outcomes sometimes.

It's such a good book, I struggled to put it down and my heart can't wait for the next one.

Fans of Beauty and the Beast will love this series retelling.
Realm of Knights by Jennifer Anne Davis

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I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

3.5/4 stars.

Almost a 'knights of the round table' vibe but with a complex female character as the lead. Espionage, deception, tested loyalties, truths uncovered. A fantastic story that centre's on gender inequality, wrapped up in a political fantasy, with just a smidge of a complicated love story thrown in.

I will be looking out for the sequel, as I am eager to see what lies in store for Reid.
Ruthless Gods by Emily A. Duncan

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I am struggling to put into articulate, intelligent words how I felt about this. So.... AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHWOBDBSOANDOWKAKABSKDKFL

Darker and grittier than Wicked Saints, with so much heartache and betrayal interwoven with grief and suffering. I loved it so very very much.

If you crave sadness, here it is.
Cagaster - Tome 01 by Kachou Hashimoto, Kachou Hashimoto

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3.5/4 stars.

I received an eARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Dark and gritty, this is a fantastic manga for those interested in apocalyptic worlds and are also fans of human mutations. It flows together with a great amount of mystery about our main characters past, and the start of an interesting journey.
Loss of Breath by Edgar Allan Poe

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A nonsensical short story following a mercurial and jealous man through his coming to terms of his own mortality. Witty at times and filled with internal monologue, it makes for a quick read.
The Intergalactic Interloper by Delas Heras

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I received an eARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

**Trigger warning for those affected by attempted animal cruelty.**

The Intergalactic Interloper is a comedic sci-fi short story centred on a young mans search for his lost cat. It is told from multiple perspectives throughout, but predominantly is about a young man called Ollie and his lost cat, Pirate.

I was hoping this would be a lot more about the alien visitors, and have a lot more laugh out loud moments. However mostly I just felt concern/sadness throughout, there are themes of heartbreak, rejection, job loss, catnapping and animal abuse throughout.

I think perhaps my sense of humour isn't geared towards the writer's style and therefore I might have missed some funny moments. But overall I'd dub this more of a contemporary that has slight sci-fi tendencies.

I did enjoy the few chapters that were from the aliens point of view and found them to be the most humorous aspect of the story.
Nimona by ND Stevenson

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Nimona is a gorgeously illustrated fast paced adventure that takes the reader on a journey of laughs and tears.

I instantly related to the characters, their stories and developments. Nimona will steal your heart and her personal story hit me deep into my feelings.

If you love anti heroes, knights and shape-shifting wonder - then this graphic novel is for you.