lightlyliterary's reviews
330 reviews

The Little House Collection: A Full Color Collector's Set of the First Five Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder

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I loved these as a kid--I read every last one of them. I think they're to blame for my love of everything "old-fashioned."
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

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I mostly remember being impressed with the readability of this novel in eighth grade, but more recent reviews of what I read and wrote then just further confirm how truly good it was. I'd like to read it again, with a more developed critical eye.
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

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I rarely recommend Christian fiction because so little of it is literary, but I have to recommend this novel. It's just beautiful. It's the kind of love everyone aches for. Maybe it is a bit unrealistic, but the premise of love so great that it saves a person is irresistible.

You'll cry, though. I'm just warning you.
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Oh, sure, it's sentimental, uses stock characters almost entirely, and sometimes falls into the very vices it aims to reveal, but there's still something about this novel that keeps people reading. Perhaps it's just the strength of Uncle Tom himself, his unwillingness to betray trust and his steadiness, the way he rebels by only ever doing what he believes is right.
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

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I liked it the first time around, in high school.
I looked at it again recently and can't remember why.