likum's reviews
82 reviews

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

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The book was okay, I listened to the audiobook while getting work done, because I loved the movie. Until about halfway through, when the Non-Black Author wrote out for a Non-Black player “Ni*gas in the carrrr” and mentioned the character “throwing his hands up like a rapper”. I’ve come across sooo many people that read this book, loved it & recommended it, but failed to mention the casual Anti-Blackness in it?

Earlier on, there were jokes made between characters about staying out of the sun to avoid being as dark ask Malaysians, making them ugly… won’t be watching the movie again, or the potential sequel. So disappointed
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde

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Sister outsider was the book that I needed to read in my teens. It was great as an introduction to Audre Lorde’s work. Discussing anti-Blackness outside the US is so hard to find, and hearing their account of living in Russia as a Black Lesbian was VERY interesting.

The book continues on to discuss how their sexuality was accepted (or wasn’t) in the US, and who continues to feel threatened by Women loving Women. Will read again, and I know I’ll enjoy it the second, third, 10th time
Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks

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This book did exactly what hooks explained it would. Make feminism available for everyone. I fully agree that so far a lot (majority) of feminist theory is explained through a deeply academic Lens, not only turning some people off from the idea because of elitism that often comes with an academic analysis, but also not making the language accessible for those that aren’t in academia. I did find it interesting that when hooks was talking about Lesbians being criticized by Straight Women in the 70s or 80s in Feminist circles because of their openness to discuss S&M in the bedroom… and straight women equating that to upholding the patriarchy, hooks said the straight women’s take on the ways those lesbian women express their sexuality was oppressive. However, more recently, hooks had several critiques for Cardi B’s “WAP” claiming it was the opposite of feminism, and her (Cardi & Meg’s) expression of sexuality was oppressive in nature. Love reading her work so far, can’t wait to read more.