disclaimer- i only got through 90% of the book but im marking it as read anyway.
the first half of this book was 5 stars. the part about “small” acts of resistance or mutual aid was really important to me. activism isn’t just protesting or being involved in a large organization. it can also be helping out people you know, or putting up flyers, or providing emotional support. and it counts even if no one else knows about it.
i felt like the first half-ish of the book could be its own book. the second half felt less unified to the first half and more like its own collection. if the first half was prophecies, the second half was mourning songs and love notes.
this book is a good mixture of real experience and theoretical dreaming. the stories about organizing (and the times organization fell apart) were really eye opening and helped me understand how things like mutual aid and care networks are actually formed irl— and that they don’t have to be big or official.
way they wrote about gendered dynamics in caretaking work felt reductive —replacing man/woman with masc/fem just doesn’t cut it in a book whose target audience includes a lot of gender nonconforming people.
has some substance and clearly took a lot of research, but the majority of this is just really out of touch. it casually throws around radical keywords without serious consideration to back it up. it claims that the future of fashion should be democratic, yet only considers the opinions of “experts” who already work in the fashion industry. it feels like loosely spun theory with no practice.
the project ideas were okay but i feel like this could have been a blog post instead of a whole book. also there were no photos of the actual projects so there are no examples of how the project could end up looking. a lot of things look a lot better illustrated than they would in real life.
also my pet peeve is when white authors randomly throw in asian words or concepts as their ~inspiration~ but the word is just “relax” or something totally normal but they rave about it because it’s so ~exotic~
i prefer more practical, wearable knits and all the projects in the book use super bulky yarn that results in interesting sculptural silhouettes but seems impractical for everyday wear