linara4522's reviews
463 reviews

A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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even though i was intrigued and pleasantly surprised by the first book, this one disappointed me tremendously. I just can't-
no energy after A touch of darkness to actually write a coherent review or even rant. JUST DON'T READ THIS. Stick with the first book and think of it as a stand-a-lone
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

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I enjoyed it. Although it felt as though I'd read it before.
The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty

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I struggled to turn the last five pages because as though latched onto the story i didn't want it to end (for the second time. Yes. this is a reread .)
SA Chakraborty's writing is so rich and detailed that i couldn't help but be transported to Daevabad. The places, the smells, the people, i could sense, and grasp them all at the tip of my fingers. I'm south asian and the beautiful depiction of arabo-persian culture is so on point i found myself woven into the story itself.
The representation was flawless; the characters insanely lifelike; the setting jaw-dropping; and the overall story: profound, mesmerising, and unpredictable.
*adds second book to shopping basket and buys despite being an utterly broke student*
It All Comes Back to You by Farah Naz Rishi

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- a direct quote from the book itself.

I don't know what to say... I did not LOVE the book but i didn't hate it either. The drama was good at the start but then it became redundant in the middle, and i feel like the plot was a bit dragging. And the ENDING!!!! ahem. Let's not speak of that cause i could rant for DAYS ON END!
3 out of 5 snails
5,000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter by Chris Fox

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I liked this a lot but I need to reread it again in a month or so AFTER my exams so that I can apply again but Chris Fox's methods and exercises
Daughter of Necessity by Marie Brennan

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This short story made me question my own intelligence.

This just wasn't for me.
I'm really not exaggerating. Like i really didn't understand half of what i'd read. It was confusing and perhaps too lyrical for my two-neurone brain. But anyways it was a good thing that i'd known Odysseus' myth beforehand or else i wouldn't have understand ANYTHING.
Sidetracked by S.T. Abby

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THESE BOOKS got me FEELING THINGS in the middle of the night. I had to wait till the battery on my reader dies off to simply sleep!!!!
ALSO A LOT MORE IS HAPPENING IN THIS BOOK and the intrigue got me tense all till the end. All the good moments were nerve-wracking since i had this feeling of constant unease as though something wrong would happen at any second.
I'm grown used to the writing style so i don't have any complaints anymore. Even though the pacing is fast, i don't mind as much since there's not a single page wasted on description or unnecessary backstory.
ANYWAYS, i'm off to read book three tonight!!!! (maybe i won't get to sleep again yay!)
Scarlet Angel by S.T. Abby

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This book series transformed me into an insomniac blood-sucking vampire who crave blood to be spilled and justice to be made. At each turn of page i get more and more hooked in the chaotic journey our main character is going through. Lana Myers or should i say Victoria Evans *ahem ahem* has my blood turning to ice whenever she's in the middle of gruesome torture and omgggggg the best thing about all of this is that the writer KNOWS what she's doing. Down to every detail, everything is immaculate. The complicated information about FBI bureaucracy and espionage technology is wonderfully woven into the story it doesn't feel like too much either. I truly had a BLAST. This series deserve more praise and BRO A BETTER COVER!!!!! cause these covers are damned disappointing!
This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada

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I can't this book was SO GOOD