lindseyeom's reviews
376 reviews

First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen

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I really enjoyed reading the follow up novel to Garden Spells by Addison Allen. I found it enjoyable and I was glad to see Bay grown up and accepting of herself as a Waverly. Some of the characters fell a little flat for me, but one character that made me feel something was Violet. How could she just do that to her baby? Also, I feel as though the ending was a bit rushed and just sort of done so the book could be finished. While I'm glad Sydney ended up with Charlie, I was a bit disappointed because it felt like a bit of a cop out. I'd love to learn more about Violet and her background.
The Selection by Kiera Cass

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I like a lot of YA even though it’s not marketed to me. The first book in The Selection Series did not disappoint! I loved how Cass introduced her characters and explained the caste system throughout the book instead of bombarding the reader all at once with too much info. Cass has a very nice writing style and I can’t wait to see how she progresses into the rest of the series.
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn

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Amazing writing I listened to the audiobook and it did not disappoint! I love how Quinn encompasses all types of love in this novel. Romantic love, family love, love for oneself, and love for things. It’s really a great novel about WWII but it’s so much more than that!
When It's Real by Erin Watt

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Enjoyed this cute YA romance. Loved getting to know the characters. While both were the typical rich spoiled kids, I felt that it was a great read for those looking for a quick escape. It's definitely a more mature YA from my standpoint, so I wouldn't recommend it for anyone under 13 years old.
Truth, Lies, and Second Dates by MaryJanice Davidson

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Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Truth, Lies, and Second Dates was a fun romance read. I liked Ava as a powerful female character, but she was a bit brash at times. The dialogue was a little confusing at times because I felt like conversations picked up and left off at different points that as a reader, I was left out of.. The other characters were funny and light-hearted, but I didn't really think any of them were super likeable nor did I feel any connectedness to them.

I'm giving this book three stars because it was an interesting read and I really enjoyed Ava as a female lead. I do think this book seemed rushed, or maybe I just rushed through it. It was a fairly quick read which I appreciated. It was a nice break from the more serious reading I've been doing.