literateramblings's reviews
163 reviews

More Than This by Patrick Ness

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Part of me is very glad I read this while in a good frame of mind, but a bigger part wishes I had had something to remind me that there is more to life than pain when I thought that there wasn’t.

I’m not quiet about the fact I struggle with mental illness, but few know the extent it reaches. If I had been given this book when I was 16, or starting uni, or last summer, I get the feeling that this book would have helped me more than I can put into words.

It’s a beautiful book with a beautiful message that every young person should read, and hell, every adult should too. There are things that were less than perfect - a slow start, the need for investment into the story, the cliches - but the characters, the concept, and the sheer importance of what Ness is telling anyone who reads it give it value beyond belief.

I would recommend it 100%. Beware if you have triggers (suicide, abuse) but go in and get ready to read one of the most important pieces of YA literature.