lizzuplans's reviews
739 reviews

The Boot Camp by Kate Harrison

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I guess I should have read this book ten years ago. It is very much a story of its time and while entertaining, not one of my favourite reads this year. 
Working It Out by Jo Platt

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An enjoyable read. 

I do not believe this is a “romance” book, perhaps more chick lit or women’s fiction, but I had a lovely time in Bristol and I was entertained with all the inter-personal relationships and dramas. 

There was something just so British / English about this book, it felt like a cosy night in with a new fuzzy blanket and a big mug of tea! 

I loved that Edie and Cameron were both architects! Definitely added a star for that. 

3.5 stars rounded up. 
Anyone for Seconds? by Laurie Graham

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Not sure why I read about train, laverbread, and furries for 100 pages when this is supposed to be about cooking and baking and has a GBBO tent on the front…

The Hedge Witch by Colleen Delaney

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A very enjoyable book. 

This witchy book really drew me in, was very engaging, and I am looking forward to read more from this author. 

Laurel and Owen were nice together and it was fab to read more about their history. 

It started off a bit… clunky? awkward? both are not the right words and I am not sure how to describe it, but it took a while for me to get into the author’s tone of voice, but when I did, I could not put the book down and finished within a day.

The sister dynamic was an absolute joy to read! I love that while this book was about Laurel, the other four sisters got a moment to shine. Cannot wait to read more about them. And hopefully the Davies family!

Laurel could be very stupid at times, for an almost 30 year old witch who had been a witch her whole life and could rely on everything from her family and ancestors. I get it was needed for the story, but gosh that frustrated me at times!

I could clearly see how this book set up various story lines of sequels, and the last few chapters did not disappoint. Very excited to read the next books in this series!

4.5 stars rounded down. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions. 
Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J. Tuli

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I was so excited to hang out with Lor and Nadir and their quest for… well everything. Loved the way all the characters were fleshed out a lot more and I really enjoyed the various “side quests” of all the people besides the FMC and MMC.

It was bit hard for me to keep the momentum of reading this book going, as there was a lot of lore building and flashbacks and interestingly new POVs, which did halt the flow of the story for me. 
Though, things started gearing up in the second half of the book, and in the last quarter, I could not keep up!! So good. 

The slow burn finally ignited and gosh I am so grateful for the delayed gratification. Chef’s kiss. 

What was ABSOLUTELY no chef’s kiss was the cliffhanger. Evil!!! I flipped the page, saw the acknowledgements, and then had to actively restrain myself from throwing my poor ereader across the room. Gah! Now the wait for book four is going to be even longer.

4.5 stars rounded down. 
Fab read!
Will be even better during my reread when all the four books are out. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions.
Thank you Nisha for this ARC and thank you Dana at Forever for getting it to me! You made me very very happy.
Same Time Next Year by Tessa Bailey

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Cute but I have read a lot better from the author. Some of the metaphors and similes really took me out of the story unfortunately. 
Pride & Privilege by Rachel Rowan

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Another read in the Entitled Love series, but not as entertaining as the others. 
The poor / rich angle was not my favourite and it was unfortunately very much the basis of Poppy and Roscoe’s story. 

Plus the slow burn was so slow I was completely disengaged. 

Hopefully the next one is more my style. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions. 
Sourdough Troubles by Kat Lapatovich Healy

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I feel like the story is finally moving ahead!
Meadow/Misty is finding her place in town while keeping herself out of it. Loved the way the crafting circle really came into their own. 

Arthur… you lumbersnack! I laughed out loud when he said, “Though, if this is how you want to apologize, I suppose I could take offense to a few more things here and there.”

Evil (pun intended) cliffhanger!

Rounded down to 3 stars. 
The Cider Hex by Kat Lapatovich Healy

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Cute read again. 
It is a bit “villain of the week” while shoving the main issue of the Hawthorne family and their grimoire aside, but entertaining for sure. 

Very weird though to read “fanny” to mean “butt” and not… something else.

Rounded down to 3 stars. 
The Problem with Pixies by Kat Lapatovich Healy

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That was a fun read! I had to really get into the writing style first (a bit too descriptive / narrative and mysterious for my liking but it worked well with the story) and I feel both the book (novella?) was both a bit long and a bit short, BUT it was very atmospheric, fun, intriguing, and really entertaining. 
Excited about number 2 in this series!

Also, lumbersnacks? Yes please!!

Edit: changed to 3 stars.