ljvalentine's reviews
107 reviews

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

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All the kids at work have been telling me to read this so I finally caved and I’m grateful that I did

With a bit of a weak start, I really thought that I’d end up giving up on this book but one scene just grabbed me and I refused to put the book down for too long. The core three characters have such a wonderful dynamic and it was a joy going on this journey with them. I’m starting the second book immediately!
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell

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I had to take an extended break halfway through the book because admittedly I got a little bored and frustrated then I was determined to finish it.

My frustration lies in the strained relationship between Baz and Simon. An interesting premise at first but hoped for the entirety of the book that it would be absolved and was left very disappointed.

I enjoyed the premise of this book but the ending seemed very rushed and quite disappointing.

I’m hoping the third book fills me with as much excitement as the first.
Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell

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*Took a break during reading for personal reasons*

That’s more like it!

After being a bit disappointed by the second book, Rowell more than made up for it in this instalment.
Once again, the character relationships are what make these books!

I think the only thing I find lacking is the action. It‘a so rushed and doesn’t thrill in the way that I’d want it to.

Other than that, I loved the book. I wish there was more!
The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith

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Took me a while to get through this one, and I’ve no idea why as it checks so many boxes for me. As a huge fan of Neil Gaiman, this felt like it could have fit in his Sandman universe very well which is what kept me going. Incredible characters, some great moments and the only let down was some parts felt like they dragged. Looking forward to reading more!
Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark by Cassandra Peterson

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I was always going to be biased going into this review as I am a huge Elvira/Cassandra fan. That being said, this book is incredible. Full of great stories and such a fun read.
Thank you Cassandra for your honesty and for proving that choosing you as my idol was the best decision I ever made as a young child
Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman

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For the first two acts, I was completely swept up and invested. The third act was SO bloated and that’s not just because of the weird toilet scene.
Red X by David Demchuk

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Beautiful. Haunting. Intimate.

I went for a bath upon finishing just to reflect on it all. I wish I had the words to adequately describe how much I enjoyed this book. A stunning queer horror story that I cannot recommend enough.
A Touch of Jen by Beth Morgan

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I don’t say this lightheartedly but…wtf

Enough twists and turns to make you feel nauseous but in the best way possible (That ending!)

Really looking forward to reading more from the author.
My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix

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(Took a 7 day break from reading due to work)

Well that was bloody fantastic! That’s now two books by Hendrix that I’ve devoured from cover to cover and I cannot get enough of their work.

Hendrix is a master of world-building and is able to write in a way that you feel absolutely everything these characters feel.

Just read this bloody book!!
Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix

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Ruth-Anne still deserves a pay rise