loganmaloney's reviews
308 reviews

The Outsider by Stephen King

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This book had somewhat of a slow start but boy did it take off!! This was my first Stephen King book and he did not disappoint at all! I have never read a book that falls in the horror category (which this one just barely does) and it was incredible! The way King makes you question whether stuff like this actually happens in real life is impressive. I also really love how no character is safe in this book making it extremely unpredictable and an emotional rollercoaster. Well done Mr. King, I will revisit you soon!
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis

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This is an extremely unpopular review of this book. I know many people rave about this book and how beautiful and challenging it is. I agree that this book does make you think a lot about heaven and hell and definitely challenges the normal thinking of afterlife. It also does an incredible job stretching your mind to see different aspects of heaven and hell that you have never thought of before.

My biggest problems with this book is that there was not much of a storyline with the guy when he was visiting the places. He mainly was just over-hearing one conversation after another and I found that most of the conversations taught the same thing and felt like Lewis could covered many more subjects if he changed some of the scenarios. Lewis also took a lot of the bite out of the view of hell that I do not think lines up completely with scripture. He describes it as basically a mindset instead of the weeping and gnashing of teeth that scripture tells us.

Something that I also found somewhat frustrating is that every time Lewis posed a much more in-depth theological question, his teacher never answered anything and went on a round about way to say it doesn’t necessarily matter. If he wanted to show that some of these questions didn’t matter he could’ve done that through a scenario of someone basing there whole life off of knowledge or something like that. I also was hoping to get a lot more detail in the ending. I know I’m being harsh with Lewis but I still think he is an outstanding author and would still recommend this book to anyone due to its challenging concept.
Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan

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I think this deserves 5 stars just for those looking at possibly reading this book because it’s amazing! But wasn’t one of my favorite books of all time which is why it goes to a 4.7 in my book!

This book was absolutely incredible! It sucked me in pretty quickly with a world that is pretty brilliant and simple to understand. It is very easy to fall in love with the main characters and hate the antagonists of this book. You see the characters develop well over time creating bonds that you would not expect to be possible in the cultural divisions that the author creates in this book. I also really love that the author tied the loose storylines that were necessary but left soooo much to be able to write about in the incoming series. I’m extremely interested to see how Persephone and her misfit band of peeps continue to fight in these next few books!
Hard Wired by J.B. Turner

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3.75 - Audiobook

Another Jon Reznick book off the list! Once again, great action book that keeps your blood pumping through the whole thing. They do a great job not having any lulls in storyline but would like to see some more character development. Great book though!
Age of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan

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The 2nd book in the “Legends of The First Empire” series was so good! I think the first book was a bit faster pace while this had some slow spots that could have been sped up but overall, another amazing book in the series! The author makes character development so evident to see and makes it easy to absolutely love certain characters while despising others. Well done Michael J Sullivan!
Knowing God by J.I. Packer

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Wow this is the longest time I’ve ever spent reading one book! This took soooo long and was kind of worth it in some ways. It took so long because it is extremely dense and can be super dry at times due to it being written in 1975 but it is pretty interesting that a lot of the problems in Christian thinking is the same today as it was back then. This is a great book for those that can fight to read through a book that does have amazing content if you are able to buckle down and process every word written. If you do end up reading this, good luck and God bless.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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This book is known as an American classic by people everywhere and I finally know why, it’s so good! I was not one of the millions of high school students that had to read this book and I’m happy about that. I absolutely would not have appreciated this book as much as I do now, not being forced to read it!

The only reason this book did not receive 5 stars is because of the last 5 chapters of the book. It seems like the entire book leads up to the rape trial against Tom Robinson and once that is finished, it should have taken only a little bit to tie up all the loose ends but instead the author decided to draw it out across a whole new school year. I definitely don’t think this was necessary but obviously it wasn’t terrible.

All three main characters (Scout, Jem & Atticus) were an absolute blast to get to know and beautifully developed as the book went on. Atticus is absolutely the type of father that I’d like to be one day; he does such an amazing job caring for those kids and teaching them while being a single dad! You could say I got a little wrapped up in this story!
Knowing and Doing the Will of God by David W. Jones

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Probably one of the most biased books I’ve ever read but somehow it was extremely intriguing! This book discusses essentially if it is Biblical to be seeking after an “individual will” from God for our lives. David Jones makes 101 assumptions in this book and jumps to conclusions very quickly but he also does a good job asking very tough questions.
American War by Omar El Akkad

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First half of the book: 4 stars
Second half of the book: 2 stars

There are so many things in the book that was frustrating to read but the premise was a good idea. One thing I didn’t enjoy about this book was that whenever a storyline would get semi-decent, the author would jump to the next stage in Sarat’s life. Also it seems like one of the main reasons why this happened was to mainly focus on the development of the character but the problem was that she did not change one bit from beginning to end, she just got some more scars.

I really don’t think anyone should read this unless they really really love the idea of this book then it could be interesting
Every Good Thing: An Introduction to the Material World and the Common Good for Christians by David W. Jones

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Not bad! It was pretty vague and didn’t get into much detail but I though Dr. Jones did a great job writing the book and relating scripture to our present day material world. The one thing I would’ve changed would be putting the last chapter he wrote as the first chapter.