logarithms's reviews
167 reviews

Ghosts by Dolly Alderton

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eugh i bought this as a gift for a friend cause the colour scheme on the cover is nice and im glad my friend thought it was good but me not so much

2/5 for condensed milk slander. the russian federation would like a word with you.

this book was okay and very bingable but the start especially was just painful to read. the only way I can explain it is millennial cringe and just the worst gender dysphoria ive felt while reading. I simply do not vibe w the millennial post-irony sarcasm "self aware" insincerity industrial complex. all the sentences were unnecessarily dense with random information it got extremely annoying
I tabbed "Max was ten minutes late. [..] Being late is a selfish habit adopted by boring people in search of a personality quirk who can't be bothered to take up an instrument." bro WHAT. as the cover review says, its "packed with observations" such as "It struck me that the only event where it's appropriate to talk about the reason you're at the event is a funeral." just blatantly untrue?? like ok?
also how tf did she want to date a guy who tried to justify sexism by saying that women would be too powerful and perfect if they weren't oppressed I....more than just a red flag. uno reverse out of there

stg this book made me wanna never read outside of the lgbt genre ever again I have literally nothing in common with this woman
this line was funny tho: "I very rarely knew what Lola meant when she said 'you know what I mean?', but I found her so entertaining, I never wanted to signal at a platform where her train of thought would stop." so true bestie I love those kinds of ppl
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells

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not as strong as the 1st 2 books but im still having a good time. murderbot is such a great character + narrator the plot could literally be anything and i'd still vibe w it. kinda wish the audiobook had more podcast like sound design for full immersion (thinking ambient space sounds and classical music like wolf359) but its a lot of work i know

also murderbot uses my name as it's alias in this one \( ̄▽ ̄)/ feelin special rn

also I say it's not as strong cause murderbot was uncharacteristically dumb here - like it's p obvious that the media would get on its case since it literally went to the place mensa talked about in public interviews, so it makes the setup for book 4 way too predictable (feels kinda tedious knowing exactly what's gonna happen next at each step). it was obvious to the reader what would happen so why wasn't it obvious to murderbot yaknow
Anything Could Happen by Will Walton

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that was probably the worst book ive read all year. undiluted cringe shot directly into my veins. the dialogue...oof. dunno why i thought id enjoy something i put on my tbr in 2015. extremely dated but not in like an interesting or funny way
チェンソーマン 11 by Tatsuki Fujimoto

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finished reading csm part 1 :0
idk how I feel about it tbh. lots of good aspects but lots that was just mid. my sis and the rest of the internet may have overhyped it
i love aki and angel tho...so sad they wont be in part2...T_T
Network Effect by Martha Wells

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so gooood and yay arts back :D
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

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wow this was like the most boring thing i read all year. like whats the big idea hes just invisible and outside the law like ok maybe this was exciting for 1897 but i accidentally slept through most of it. but damn it was a really good nap.
i only liked the parts where it leaned into the mad scientist aspect. ya know, years of research, frenzied experiments, impulsive self experimentation, that good stuff.
The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You'll Ever Need by Scott Pape

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its def not the only money guide i'll ever need (see: im dumb as hell) but still very informative. i feel a lot better lol
really appreciate having a book like this specifically for an australian audience. everywhere is way too saturated w america-centric advice T__T
also i found out that the savings account my parents set up for me literally had a 0.01% interest rate T____T i know im in my 20s but like. i hadnt bothered checking before cause i assumed my parents knew what they were doing (after reading this book....omg no they do not....) so anyway yay i changed my accounts :)
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

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i think i shouldve quit while i was ahead cause i pretty much immediately wasnt into this book. alas i wanted to stick it out and see if the ending was anything, and it wasnt

a great way to say nothing in 300 pages
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

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p good book. a bit too long imo, but his voice was engaging to listen to :P the whole time i was flip flopping between cynically dismissing all pursuits as meaningless and being inspired to make small changes that add up and improve my life...(going through smth rn)
im a fan of the worksheets
Ways of Seeing by John Berger

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Certainly interesting! I can't agree with it all, but I think they achieved their 'principal aim [..] to start a process of questioning'.