lostinrevelry's reviews
190 reviews

The School of Mirrors by Eva Stachniak, Eva Stachniak

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2.5 ★ Thank you Netgalley for this ebook in exchange for a review.

While I did enjoy parts of the story and found myself invested at certain parts, there were a lot of areas I felt like I was just forcing myself to read through. This is likely personal preference as I am sure these sections were what others really enjoyed. I found that I was wanting for more of the story and less of the lengthy descriptions at times. That being said, this book was very clearly well researched and well written for anyone interested in this type of historical fiction. I was hoping for a bit more of the story of Veronique but also understand that maybe wasn't the only focus of this book.
Moment in Time by Suzanne Redfearn

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Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for this ARC. Review coming soon.