louise_lion's reviews
364 reviews

For the Love of Layla by Callie Moss

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
Bad writing and the shifts in time were too much 
Just Good Friends by Rosalind James

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 28%.
The dialogue is horrible and the main characters are insufferable 
Just This Once by Rosalind James

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Idk why I’m devouring these books. The dialogue is really not great but there is such a cozy easy going vibe that exists in these stories that I’m eating up!!
Role Playing by Cathy Yardley

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I kind of listened/read this. It was way more emotionally involved than I thought it would be! I enjoyed it and I love that there are books out there with 50 year old love interests. Diversity!!!!
Stone Cold Kiwi by Rosalind James

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I really should just go ahead and give this 5 stars but there were some parts that were too gut wrenching. I loved this book. I loved the authors words. I loved it!!!!
Joey by Sadie Kincaid

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
The words got slippery and they talked too much shop
Give Me Butterflies by Jillian Meadows

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 8%.
I got bored and the characters had juvenile internal dialogue 
Sweetest in the Gale by Olivia Dade

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
I finished the first story but my Libby loan is about to end so ☹️
Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie

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I fear this is the best book I will read all year
Unsticky by Sarra Manning

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 14%.
The MMC and FMC were insufferable and the words felt slippery and hard to read.