lowrikate's reviews
275 reviews

Riches to Riches: Part Two by Ames Mills

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Their lube budget must be astronomical
Honey Trap by Tate James

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Two psychopathic possessive stalkers? I’m sold
Dead Drop by Tate James

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I swear Tate James doesn’t even base her book planning on plot lines, just cliff hangers
Kill Order by Tate James

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Tate James doing what TJ does best, writing the perfect FMCs, strong kick ass women who live up to everything I want in a female lead and more.

Also the men
Beta Team-The Saviors: Part one by Ames Mills

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Ames Mills just doesn’t miss. Like don’t get me wrong this is very similar to her other works but I read them because I like that:
Gang warfare ✔️
Threats to life ✔️
Pure smut ✔️
Everybody in one big happy relationship ✔️
Moonlight and Mischief by Aly Hollis

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3.75 ⭐️

I’m a big dark romance girly, but sometimes I just need to read something that makes me feel like I’m in a super comfy hug in front of a fireplace with a hot chocolate and this book gave me those exact vibes.

This friends to lovers is so innocent with enough angst and slow burn to keep you interested throughout. Add a touch of malicious shifter pack intentions and the plot drives at a great rate to keep in line with building romance throughout!

The next book in this series (going from the sneak peak at the end) seems to amp up that level of angst and I can’t wait to dive into it!

Thank you to Aly Hollis for the ARC copy
The Hunter's Gambit by Ciel Pierlot

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First of all the dedication had me won over already.

This story follows Kazan a human woman just trying to make a name for herself by forging weapons to use against vampires who reign supreme in this fantasy world. With a turn of bad luck and trickery she ends up trapped in a web of schemes and plotting right in the heart of the vampire stronghold.

The world building in this novel is great, the description of people and places was delightful and it has been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a gritty vampire story. The novel is prosed in third person format and is only from the POV of Kazan herself, however I think it would have been great to get other POVs throughout the novel, just to give more insight into other characters and their backgrounds and dive into the mcs relationships throughout.

If you’re a fan of more plot based than romance based novels then this would be for you, even though there is romance and superbly slow-burn, the main premise of the novel is based around the MCs endeavours!

This was a really enjoyable read and I’m looking forward to see where Kazan’s future goes in further editions.

✨ Thank you so much for this ARC copy for my honest review ✨