lubellwoo's reviews
71 reviews

American Innovations by Rivka Galchen

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There's a specificity to these stories that is both cringe-inducing and totally luminous. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not widely read enough in short fiction to twig to the source material of each of these stories, but they stand so well on their own that I didn't mind at all. Galchen writes so specifically about romance, obsession, loss, and denial. It's unsettlingly familiar and hilarious all at once.
Hildafolk by Luke Pearson

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Boy howdy do I love Luke Pearson. His cartooning is so charming and expressive, and his storytelling is both folkloric and delightfully modern. There's nothing quite like this series in kids' comics these days. It's quiet and funny and a little sad. Definitely a good read for fans of Moomintroll.