lucashearn1's reviews
65 reviews

Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

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Humans are truly the worst. The sad part is I don’t think this is a huge jump in logic from happening today. If you look at the meat industry it’s pretty clear.

As far as main characters go, he’s okay. He clearly does some shitty stuff and the whole time I couldn’t really tell if they were trying to show him as a good guy. I didn’t really expect the ending. I had something similar in mind but definitely not that.

There’s some pretty graphic dog death in this, which was super not chill.

Overall it kept my attention and I was curious as to where the story would go next. Short read but definitely not for everyone due to the graphic subject matter.
Bunny by Mona Awad

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I feel like this started so strong and then just kind of whimpered out half way through. You had a great premise with the bunnies and the ritual stuff, then it just kind of flipped into a nothing burger. I did like seeing Jonah at the end, he kind of felt like a fluff character to set up the last scene. Shame they didn’t do more with him because I’d in my opinion, he was the most interesting part.
Fairy Tale by Stephen King

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I quite enjoyed this modern take on fairytales. While quite long, it kept my attention most of the time, besides feeling a little draggy in the middle. I liked Charlie as a character, not shying away from the fact that while he did some good things, he still had done some bad and had some darkness buried within. All of the rest of the characters were pretty good too. Also the parallels to classic fairytales was cool, even if it felt like they were beating you over the head sometimes.
The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson

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Book Club #1

I was super whelmed by this. By no means was it a bad book, I just didn’t find it all that engaging. Even when the twists would show up it was more of an “oh okay” than a “holy shit” moment. All of the characters were also just shitty, not one good apple in the bunch. Everyone immediately wanted to murder, just i have been scorned let me kill your ass. Also, all my homies hate Chet.
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle

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This absolutely rips. The story is great and I loved the characters. A fantastic tale of showing people to just love who you want to love. All the while being wrapped up with some pretty interesting horror.
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez

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Seems like I’m in the minority here but I didn’t love this. It meanders way too much. Started off so strong and I was so interested to see where it goes. There’s just so much unnecessary content in there, I don’t need to jump back in time for 150 pages and then jump into some random writer who has a very minimal impact on the plot. Then the ending feels super rushed. If your book is almost 600 pages and you spend almost half of it and random crap maybe don’t rush the main story at the end. There was enough there that made me want to keep going, unfortunately it just fell flat for me.
Later by Stephen King

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Went in completely blind and really enjoyed the ride. Had no idea what to expect but enjoyed it thoroughly. Didn’t expect that bigger King universe connection.
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

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Holy! What a ride. Starts slow focusing more on the political side, then the pace picks up exponentially. I really enjoyed the political stuff, at first I was put off a bit, but it grew on me a lot. I liked the new characters they introduced, they worked really well into the story. What a fantastic read. I’m really excited for book 3.
Twelve Nights at Rotter House by J.W. Ocker

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This was pretty solid, though I would say it dragged a bit in the middle. The ending was quite good. I’m typically not a huge haunted house story guy, so I didn’t expect to love this anyways. A fun October read.
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

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Had a lot of fun with this one. I kind of like the open endedness of the story towards the end. Kind of leaves it up to the reader on what they think.