lucyturnsthepage's reviews
189 reviews

Secrets for the Mad: Obsessions, Confessions, and Life Lessons by Dodie Clark

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Okay so the audiobook version of Secrets for the Mad really works - having Dodie narrate it meant it often felt more emotional than I found it when reading chapters. Combined with reading along at the same time when I could made the whole reading process excellent. The anecdotes told and advice given seem heartfelt and very down to earth which makes this book so relevant for anyone who’s struggling with an aspect of their lives. Thoroughly recommend to anyone but especially people around my age (21).
The Cosy Teashop in the Castle by Caroline Roberts

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So I got this through Blind Date with a Book and I really enjoyed it. It was perfect light summer reading and has put me in the mood for more easy summer reads. The characters are endearing and not too perfect as they sometimes can be and the inevitable relationship drama wasn’t prolonged making the reading experience far more enjoyable.
Artistic Licence by Katie Fforde

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So here’s the thing; while I really liked some aspects of the book like Toby and the puppies it somehow fell flat. My theory is that there wasn’t enough occasion for romance between Ben and Thea what with his dates appearing even at the very end and Rory remaining a constant presence throughout and as such I simply was rooting for them to be together as much as I could have been. I still enjoyed the book but just felt a little flat with the rather abrupt ending.
No Is Not Enough: Defeating the New Shock Politics by Naomi Klein

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This is my second book I’ve read by Naomi Klein and will probably be my last. While the issues she discusses are important and I do find some of the case studies she draws upon fascinating something about her narrative style gets to me, meaning I don’t enjoy this book as much as I enjoy other (more) academic books I’ve encountered during my studies.
Practically Perfect by Katie Fforde

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I loved the details about renovating the house and keeping Caroline (the Greyhound) my only downer was the initial infatuation with Max which I just found really annoying as he was so obviously wrong for her when Rob was so right. But it did allow the relationship between them (Rob and Anna) to develop as friendship first so I can’t really complain.
Going Dutch by Katie Fforde

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This was the first Katie Fforde book I ever read and rereading it now I’ve remembered why I loved it. I relate to Dora so much barring the broken engagement and watching her develop as a person is so nice to see. Both romances are very cute - an excellent summer read.
Stately Pursuits by Katie Fforde

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Following on from my last book in the vein of restoring old country homes this book was charming. I enjoyed the romance but also all the details of getting a stately home ready for the public, overall a thoroughly enjoyable read.
Eric by Terry Pratchett

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So this was my first introduction to Terry Pratchett and I really enjoyed it. The writing style is amusing and fun and the world utterly wacky - I look forward to reading other Discworld novels.
The Maze Runner by James Dashner

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This book was gripping and while some people have said they thought it was slow in places I personally didn’t feel that way. The reason it didn’t get 5 stars from me was that having watched the films I have a strong hatred of Teresa that made me find Thomas’ obsession with her frustrating - I just wanted him to pay more attention to the other gladers so I could learn more about them rather than him focusing on Teresa. Still it was a really good book and I’m looking forward to reading the next.
Restoring Grace by Katie Fforde

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So this is quite possibly my favourite Katie Fforde because the relationships are better developed making the ending seem much less out of the blue. The plot is interesting and the characters endearing, overall an excellent light romantic read.