lushyouth's reviews
29 reviews

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

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I enjoyed this book very much, and there was always something going on without feeling crowded. However, there was sprinkles of xenophobia if you look hard enough. There was also a chunk at the end of the book which I found a bit of a drag and was unnecessary in my opinion. Besides that, the story kept my attention and I thoroughly enjoyed this and it can host many talking points.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare

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Had a great time rereading. 5.7 line 48 Macbeth "I bear a charmèd life, which must not yield to one of a woman born" Macduff "Despair thy charm, And let angel whom thou still hast served tell thee: Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped" I LOVE THAT PART, PULL A 'GOTCHA' ON HIS ASS
Adèle by Leïla Slimani

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This book is something I see merit in and can appreciate a lot but there are aspects that prevented me from enjoying it more thoroughly. We're following Adèle who is married to a surgeon she married for convience and lives a comfortable life in Paris as a journalist as she deals with a crippling sex addiction. Adèle is deeply flawed and that I always appreciate in a book, but my issue is she not only has zero redeeming qualities at all, she is also not very interesting. She's at rock bottom the entire book which instead of creating a compelling dislikable character, just ends up a bit boring since there's really no stakes since she's already as low as possible. She doesn't love her husband, so why would I care if she gets caught cheating? Where is the climax is the lowest point of the story has been happening the entire way through? However, I do think the very last chunk of this book did improve that and had a change of dynamic and had Adèle show a different side of herself, but it was shown way too late in the book for it to be executed to my preference.

You really do get the sense of how grimy and pathetic Adèle's rendezvous are and I feel like you really feel gross and dirty reading this which I think is well done, but like I said before, it was too much too quick, we needed stakes and risks. Adèle needed something she valued other than sex to really make me care about her and what happens to her even though she's a bad person who desperately needs help. I needed something to root for. (We are told she loves her son, but it's never shown to us)
The Poetry of Sappho by Jim Powell

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Beautiful. I'm only giving it 3 stars because I'm not a poetry person and couldn't fully absorbed these poems because of that fact but the words were beautiful and in the future if I improve on my poetry comprehension I will return back to Sappho's poetry
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

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Good commentary on societal expectations
Acts of Service by Lillian Fishman

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This book was deeply okay. I wouldn't say it bad, but calling this a GOOD book wouldn't be truthful for me either. It was just Eve's inner monologue about her thoughts on her relationship with these two people; I dont feel like was tackled in the way it had potential to.

After every little thing, there's a think piece that follows it which majority of the time is unnecessary. Instead of showing us through actions the characters feelings and intentions and desires, this book spoon feeds you that information through blunt dialog and gratuitous paragraphs disecting tiny things that literally mean nothing in the grand scheme. Display the character through their actions and trust the reader to be smart enough to see it, then may after a lot built up, then eve can come to the realization of who these people are. This book felt like the author wanting to write an article in a narrative format instead of a book that has an underlying analysis or exploration of sex. Too many wordy passages that meant next to nothing by the end of the book but it didn't feel like Eve's discoveries about her sexuality amounted to anything at all.

This book feels like it had a lot to say about sex, sexuality, gender and could have really good discussions, but it only brought up topic and never dived into them. Seemed like a waste. This book needed more focus. It felt it it kept setting up questions to be answered or even just explored further and you keep reading to find the answers and then BOOM the end and you're left high and dry
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

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Marianne and colonel brandon is the whackest thing ever...are u kidding me...theres ZERO chemistry between them AT ALL, they barely even talked to eachother and i couldn't name a personality trait of his with a gun to my head

This wouldda been an EASY 5 stars if Marianne didn't marry anybody

Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman

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very fetishy. Also justice for marzia !! She was done so dirty
Passing by Nella Larsen

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Quick little read. One gripe I have though is the spelling for one of the characters name was inconsistent. Other than that, it was good, wished a bit more nuanced and I wish the conversation was deeper. Im torn between 3 and 4 stars, its sitting at a 3.5 for me, but I'll give it a 3