lynseyreads_'s reviews
412 reviews

Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki

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Original, heartfelt, queer. I wouldn’t say I’m typically a fan of sci-fi, but I guess when you team up Space Aliens at a donut shop in LA and a violin teacher aka Queen of Hell, you get a 5 ⭐️ sci-fi read for me.
Jonny Appleseed by Joshua Whitehead

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4.5 stars.

Amazing writing; so lyrical and reads like a memoir.

Johnny is a very memorable protagonist.
Cool. Awkward. Black. by Karen Strong

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Strong YA anthology with big authors writing cool, Black, and awkward MCs. Just telling one of my students that I started reading it was enough for them to have their parents purchase it for them that same week. The importance of representation
The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism by Naoki Higashida

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Told in Q&A format with some short stories sprinkled in between, The Reason I Jump, provides invaluable insight into the life of a teenager named Noaki with autism. Of course, autism is not a monolith, but I have learned SO MUCH from this little but mighty book, and I will continue to reread and reference back to it. Between answering the faqs, Noaki reminds the reader, “don’t give up on us.”

Also, I know I mention anecdotes from my middle schoolers often in my reviews, but I have to share that after a student finished this book, they left it on my desk with a post it note that read, “I now have an explanation for what’s going on in my head.”
The Push by Ashley Audrain

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Creepy, sad, infuriating, and ultimately unsatisfying + disjointed. It’s a dynamic read even going as far as it making you hope for the wrong things, but I feel that’s more the horrible situation the author has put our MC in rather than actual strong, compelling writing. 2nd person is used throughout, and it’s very confusing at first. I would’ve been curious about a multiple POV for this one.
Sorry, Bro by Taleen Voskuni

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I enjoyed this more than a “3” implies, but can’t quite rate it a 4. Still wishing Goodreads had .25/.5/.75 rating options.

Love learning more about Armenian culture, and appreciate the more serious topics this book weaves in (Armenian genocide history, sexism, homophobia, alcoholism). Also appreciate the bi, f/f rep, and the push and pull the MC, Nareh, feels between having to please her family and being true to herself.

I do think this book could have leaned in even more to the COM of rom-com, and some plot changes could have been wise for this (the ending, in particular, is more “Full House” feeling than rom-com). It also read a little YA for me, but the characters are in their late 20s/30s.

However, overall I enjoyed it (especially the audiobook voices!), and would read more from this author.