ma9enta's reviews
53 reviews

1984 by George Orwell

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I understand that this book is a warning of totalitarianism and deals with important issues but that’s not enough for me to call it a great novel. I was bored.
However I believe that someone who’s really into politics, philosophy and doesn’t care about the plot could enjoy it.
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf

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Virginia Woolf was a natural storyteller.
Her style is so delightful and unique. I was floating from page to page with a lot of pleasure, even though the subject of this essay is quite difficult and complex.

It’s very important piece for every woman, as it includes women’s history, role in literature and society.
I’m really glad that women like Virginia had the courage to speak and write about woman’s independence. Without them we probably wouldn’t be where we are now.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

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I didn’t enjoy this book that much.
The plot idea was great, very interesting and thought provoking but the execution could be better. Overall it was a bit boring for me and I felt like something was missing, I can’t even tell what.
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

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I like Kafka for showing a common problems in an uncommon way.

This is a good story about being different, facing intolerance and suffering from rejection.
It's incredible that reading it made many of us identify with the giant bug.