mabookyard's reviews
1292 reviews

Saga, Vol. 4 by Brian K. Vaughan

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I am a crying emotional mess right now after finishing this 🤕 Best volume so far!!!
Saga, Vol. 5 by Brian K. Vaughan

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I mean this just gets better with every volume! Please help me! I am invested and hooked 🙈
Saga, Vol. 6 by Brian K. Vaughan

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Yess!!!! Another amazing volume!! And I am so excited to read the next one. Plus 🤕🤕🤕 So much happened
Saga, Vol. 7 by Brian K. Vaughan

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This book just keeps getting better!! 😍 All the emotions and just the artwork!!! 😍😍😍
Saga, Vol. 9 by Brian K. Vaughan

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I am an emotional mess right now! Why do you guys do this to me??!!!!!! Especially that last page!

Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein: The Legacy of Frankenstein by Tade Thompson, Emma Newman

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My Rating : 3.5🌟 overall for all the stories
Will upload the individual stories's soon!

This book is a collection of 5 stories which have Frankenstein as one of their ideas! And boy oh boy was it entertaining!

The first thing I loved about this book is how each story is unique in its own way and in no way related to the actual classic! It may have the concept of Frankenstein but never in a same way! Each story had its charm and I absolutely loved that fact!

Second of all, it's no wonder I loved this book, I am a fan of horror/thriller and this book was right up my alley!

As I said before, each story was different! And if you look even closer, you can classify them into different genre! Especially I loved the last 2 stories! You can call them realistic horror fiction! And they were amazing! Since it's a collection of stories by different authors, you can almost identify the writing style.

Though I loved few, I had issues with few. Overall, I loved the concept and how the stories were written. If you a fan of retellings, gothoc fiction, horror or thrillers, definitely give this book a shot!

*Thankyou Netgalley for providing an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Sea Prayer by Khaled Hosseini

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My Rating : 4🌟

I love the illustrations in this book! It's not your usual story, but it shows the impact and the differences through these illustrations.. They speak through the colours.. And I definitely can understand what they are going through on a daily basis and made me appreciate life even more
But I do feel like the price of the book does not match the content it has and I personally do not think it's fair. But definitely recommend this book. At least read it once.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

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My Rating : 4🌟
First of all, as all of you already know, the world is amazing, it has an amazing bunch of characters and the writing is also good. And obviously I loved the book. .
Second, I can actually see how awkward Ginny must feel around Harry and I crack up every time 😂
With that being said, I personally feel the movie was better than this book. I felt the ending was too abrupt & sudden, and I would have liked to see some struggle behind finding & destroying *the person* & *the other person* in the chambers. It did not make me sit at the edge of the seat and wish everything should work out fine. .
But other than that, I seriously enjoyed this book, and I am glad I finally picked this up. It's still not my favourite, and I don't know if I have passed that HP phase, but I will complete the series no matter what & let you guys know!!
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

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My Rating : 4🌟

Okay I didn't read this book with the thought of reviewing it. I just wanted to enjoy the story and fall in love with the characters. It is definitely safe to say I loved the book as much as I loved the movie! The book actually piqued my interest, and definitely will be continuing with the series now that I have discovered about the characters more!
The plotline was really good and I absolutely loved the conversations between the trio!! *RANT* I actually feel bad for Hermoine and she practically spent the whole year alone with her extra credits and books just because of Ron's ego 🙄🙄 That girl is goals. Seriously *RANT OVER*
Overall , lovely characters, good character development, the plot was good. I still had few issues, but I still enjoyed the book!!
Saga, Vol. 8 by Brian K. Vaughan

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Okay I am squeaking!!! Yaasss!!! The ending was like OMG!! 🙈🙈 And now I am breaking down because I binged all 8 volumes, and I don't have 9 with me!! 😅😭