mabookyard's reviews
1292 reviews

On the Come Up by Angie Thomas

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My Rating : 5🌟

Oh My GOD !!! I love this story, I love Angie Thomas's writing, love all the characters AND I love Bri !! 😍😍😍 Also Curtis !! Omg this was such an amazing story!! I almost want to read it again!! Please let there be a movie for this too!! 🙈🙈
The Crown's Fate by Evelyn Skye

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My Rating : 5🌟

Omg this book was so dark and actually so good!!! 😍😍😍 I definitely enjoyed my time with this book!! The plot was really good, twisted and kept me at the edge of my seat !! I loved this so much!! And I can't wait for her next book to come out!!
The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson

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My Rating : 5🌟

Okay. This has become one of my favourite series of ALL time. I really loved how the story went in this book and I soo glad that the mystery played the main part.. And that ending!! What? Why?? How?? I need the next book right now 🙈🙈 And the fact that the mental health was given importance was such a refreshing thing to read about!

Detailed review coming soon!!
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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My Rating : 5🌟

Okay.. This book was everything I have ever wanted in a romance story. I loved the characters, the tension, the settings, the ending, and omg it kept me wanting more!! Loved it! And definitely going to be thinking about Josh for a very long time! 🥰
The Selection by Kiera Cass

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My Rating : 4🌟

Okay... I was skeptical when I started reading this book.. BUT I really loved how it turned out 😂😂 Funny, cute and I really liked how it unfolded.. And Prince Maxon is such a sweetheart!! 😍😍
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

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My Rating : 4🌟

Now this book I really liked!! Especially the direction the story is moving and the new character introductions!

Especially Nikolai.. I am so glad I have characters to love in this book 😂 Even with his the others, he stood out the most and had the best character. Plus I enjoyed the plot this time.. The writing style was way better and I enjoyed my time with this book! If this continues, I would be so happy!
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

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My Rating : 5🌟

WHAT JUST HAPPENED?? OH MY GOD!! I took 1.5 days to finish this book! What is happening?
Oh my darling Feysand!😍
That cliffhanger, that twist, OH MY GOD I can't wait.. So many emotions, so much happened!

The plot is too cliched, the characters are stupid sometimes, and there are so many scenes unnecessary.. BUT this book was good. Why am I like this?

Detailed review coming soon!
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

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My Rating : 4.5

This story follows a 9-year old boy named Bruno who loves exploring and ends up making an unexpected best friend. This story revolves around how he perceives his new environment and the story is told from his point of view.
I picked this book up after seeing so many people rave about it. Now that I have read it, I can definitely say that it is one of the most heart-wrenching stories you will read. This book is set during the World War II, and the boy's family has to move away from Berlin next to a concentration camp where all the Jews are kept. It is classified as fables, but I wouldn't call this a Children's book. Though it is told from the perspective of a 9-year old German boy, the actual content it deals with is very hard-hitting and explores the nasty side of a war.
The first thing you notice is the child's innocence. Though Bruno seems to hate the decisions his parents made, the way he justifies himself and the situation is sad for the reader. The unique friendship between Bruno and Shmuel, the long causal conversations they have about their very contrasting lifestyles, the family and the environment, they all come together and it really is good. Something that really made me cry was, the curiosity of a child about the harshness all the other soldier's have and the discrimination between them and the people beyond the fence. It sounds simple, but when you read it as an adult, you understand the depth and the importance of the discrimination that was a part of World War II and how the same simple question might lead to a person's death.
I really liked the minimum characters, the setting of the story, and how few things were explained in the form of a conversation or a part of the next chapter. It kept the flow simple and neat. But I felt that something was missing the entire time I was reading this book and that's the only reason I give this 4.5 stars. I have no clue why, and I wish I knew what it was.. And that ending! OMG that ending crushed me! 5 pages left, and I thought the story is going in one direction, and BAM, no way, I had to be crushed like a tiny insect.... Though I hated the ending, I think it holds a very powerful meaning and a message to both the reader and the characters in the book. The way Bruno's dad behaves, and how it affects the surroundings and how he realizes his actions might have terrible consequences ( No spoilers) was really important to the story and I respect the author for taking that leap with the ending!.
Overall, an amazing read and it has become one of my favorite books of all time!! The list just keeps getting longer. But if you are looking for a simple historical fiction which deals with the sad reality of a war, child's curiosity, and holds a very powerful message, definitely get this book and read it. Even if you do not read at all, pick this book up and read it. It is amazing, and you will not regret it.
Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

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My Rating : 5🌟

First read of the year 2019 and I am already bawling my eyes out with that ending!! To say that I loved it is such an understatement!! 💖
'They had something worth dying for. Ah, but you have something they don't. And what's that? Something worth living for'
This book follows the perspective of two characters Thomas Fawkes, who is turning into a stone because of a stone plague, and Emma who is an Igniter with secrets of her own. The setting of the world was really unique and the concept of Keepers & Igniters, and the history between them were intriguing and I enjoyed it! Each person gets bonded to one color and draws power from that color with the help of a mask made by their parents.
First of all, the characters, their insecurities, and the secrets they keep were all bound together in a very good way. The relationships between the characters were very interesting to read about especially between Thomas and his father. You could physically feel the discomfort, the guilt and the happiness, and that made me bond with the book and the characters even more!. I really liked the way Emma and Thomas helped each other with their difficult times and I found them pretty cute!
The first few chapters might be a little boring and feel like a typical high school drama, but trust me, it gets really better. The way each character grows in their own way, how they start realizing the things they want in life and prioritize it, and how the decision made by a single character results in a series of catastrophic events! It really gets heartbreaking towards the end. The ending is not abrupt, you already know it is going to happen, but the way it happens makes you want to pour your heart out and just go sit in a corner and not do anything for days. The ending really packed a punch which I absolutely loved!
I would have been even more invested and excited about the book if the other characters could have gotten a little bit of spotlight too. Nonetheless, I absolutely loved this book and it is definitely safe to say that I am not over that ending. Overall, if you are a fan of really good writing, amazing world, complex characters, a really good character and plot development, with a shit ton of heartbreak towards the end, PICK THIS BOOK UP! I really liked it.