magspaggs's reviews
144 reviews

Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

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Anne Rice having Louis no-homo his way through two long relationship with men is absolutely wacky. 

My favorite part is actually when Lestat makes Claudia to essentially baby trap Louis. Insane behavior. I love these gay losers. 
Red Dragon by Thomas Harris

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There were a few things about how this was written I didn’t love but I can see why this has been so successful especially when exploring this world more. 
The Shining by Stephen King

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Can't believe they didn't say "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy" even one damn time.

Real talk though what the fuck did Stanley have against Hallorann. He absolutely deserved better in the movie. I think that the unraveling of Jack but also Danny and Wendy is really fascinating. Spooky and absolutely unhinged and fucking delightful. Great payoff and a great listen. 
The Guest List by Lucy Foley

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Decent little mystery, even if it was a little predictable. Wanted more for Hannah, Charlie sucked.

I think it would have been a better ending if all four of the girls banded together to murder Will because he was the worst.
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

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It's simply too long. He had too much to say! Someone should have stopped him!!

In all seriousness it's a book about 4 loser sons of one loser ass dad and they are all losers at and around each other until one of the sons kills the dad. Which, I will admit, on paper sounds kind of cool. And the parts about that were pretty good. I also am sorry to Alexei Karamazov for calling him a loser, he's not a loser. 

Ivan's an actual moron some of the time but others of the time he's pretty interesting. Dimitri is a dumbass, literally. Smerdyakov reminded me of like... you know the Butler in aristocats? That guy. That's Smerdyakov.

I don't know how to explain it but I listened to the audiobook and it was 35 hours long and I need Fydor to know that is Simply Too Long for what this story is.   
Rabbit Hole by Kate Brody

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I don’t know how to feel about this. I think that there was a lot being said about grief and mystery and how the hope of the unknown can ruin us but there were other things that didn’t quite work for me. 

Namely our MC spends the whole book talking about how she doesn’t want kids until she has like one good convo with her mom and changes her mind? It was weird. 
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

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I wanted to like this so much more than I did.  I liked the characters and found them interesting I just found the sex and physical intimacy a little to rushed. 
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid

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I really enjoyed this book. I saw some interesting reviews harping about 
  • there being too much sex (there isn’t) 
  • the couple being “love immediately” (they are but I feel Ava Reid does enough with the internal dialogue of at least Marlinchen that it doesn’t feel bad or rushed)
  • The ending feeling rushed (I felt that the pacing is a little slow at the beginning but when you are unraveling a story often it takes a while to get started before it all comes apart in your hands)

All in all I felt that this was a really interesting look at the price abuse takes from us. Both physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Additionally the way we hold people down and define them
by looks or intelligence and how this robs them of their power. 

It has really interesting things to say about magic, who can create it, and how it can be used. Magic is real in this world but this book also on a meta level posits that magic is real in ours. As love, care, and tenderness are their own forms of magic. 
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

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The Catholic Guilt chapters really hit close to home.