majortomwaits's reviews
299 reviews

Some New Kind of Kick: A Memoir by Chris Campion, Kid Congo Powers

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I've read one too many music biographies lately, I couldn't dive into another one, but I will return to this at a later time
Petty: The Biography by Warren Zanes

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This year, I dove into the discography of Tom Petty after knowing a couple of hits (primarily I Won't Back Down and Free Falling) and came out the other side utterly enchanted. And me being me, I love to know about the people behind the music or film or whatever I get into. So this read was coming and it just so happened that it's the last book I've read this year.

Zanes has an interesting writing style and is very exhaustive when it comes to the details and incorporating Petty's anecdotes into a bigger story of his life and career. However, some parts felt as if they were rushed through, at least to me. Especially when I compare it to the documentary that is cited in this book, Bogdanovich's Runnin' Down A Dream. But that last chapter specifically? Perhaps the most beautiful sendoff there ever was.
True Grit by Charles Portis

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I really liked this one. It is fun and very well written and I will absolutely be chceking Portis' other works. The rating is really because I managed to drag this book for so long. So much so that.I considered quitting at several different occasions, but would always go 'let's at least finish this page' and would get sucked back in.
Deliver Me from Nowhere by Tennessee Jones

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
I felt too underwhelmed by the writing style which didn't speak to me at all. Plus I'd say that I expected way way more from the stories, so I didn't want to bother anymore.
Shane by Jack Schaefer

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I'll be honest and say that I didn't expect this to be as good as it was, so my adoration of it went through the roof the more I've read.

The plot is tight, it is marvelously written, the characters are so colourful and lively, altogether it's just phenomenal. I also want to note that it is fantastically homoerotic as well.
Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss

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It had a nice and steady buildup and then the book just sort of stopped. I'm a little disappointed to say the least.