manuel_perrreira's reviews
120 reviews

Artemis by Andy Weir

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What an awful book, manages to be even worse than the Martian. The dry dialogue, dull narrative and forgettable carachters.... And the worst book main carachter ive ever seen.... And the biggest problem of them all: the sex jokes. Do people find them funny?
O Senhor Ventura by Miguel Torga

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Hemingway em português (quase)
Contact by Carl Sagan

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The idea and setting are amazing, when it comes to that, classic sci-fi takes the cake. But I did find the prose to be a tad boring
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch

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Same amazing characters and same amazing writing, but the plot is not as good as Lies of Locke Lamora, thought it is still above average.
The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch

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The relationship between Locke and Jean isn't as well explored here as in the previous two books, but the plot is the best one so far in my opinion. Very good book, seriously don't understand all the negative reviews.
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss

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Yeah, not for me. Good writing though.