mapscitiesandsongs's reviews
891 reviews

Godmersham Park by Gill Hornby

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
I managed to finish Act 1 but at what cost? Jokes aside, this book just wasn't for me. The part that I read was really boring and everytime I thought about picking it back up I just couldn't do it. So a dnf it is. 
Das Lied der Dunkelheit by Peter V. Brett

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
Absolute garbage! 

The sexism in this was out of this world. In general there was A LOT of talk about gender roles and it was just off-putting. Every "plot" with the female characters revolves around sex, pregnancy and rape. Excuse me? I am really glad I read some reviews and dropped it because it actually gets worse because the main female protagonist
gets gang raped
later on. Absolutely disgusting.
Evergreen by Lydia Elise Millen

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Started off strong, but then the book kinda lost me. Sure, it wasn‘t anything new nor groundbreaking. It was still nice to check in with yourself though and served as a reminder. During autumn it became more superficial about clothes and it continued with the christmas decoration in winter. I homestly skimmed the last two seasons.