mariaareads's reviews
198 reviews

The Secret Runners of New York by Matthew Reilly

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I really enjoyed this book. Was hooked from start to finish! My dad had always suggested I read a Matthew Reilly book but I could never find one that interested me but this “YA” inspired book was just what I needed to venture into his books
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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I read this book in 5 hours. Incredible. Cried for hours after.
Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi

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I did enjoyed this book as it was a quick and easy read and made me feel all types of mush. However I probably wouldn’t read it again, once was enough. I enjoyed the characters and that the texting back and forth was included in the book.
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

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This book was really sweet but the character of Eleanor really frustrated me sometimes. The ending frustrated me also.
Breathless by Jennifer Niven

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Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

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I’m giving this book 3 stars. I would have given it 2 if I didn’t enjoy the ending so much. But I did enjoy it so I’m giving it 3. The low rating I wanted to give it is simply because I wasn’t really engaged throughout this book. Although I really enjoyed it when I reached the last 100ish pages, the start and middle were a real struggle to get through. I found I didn’t relate to Eleanor and found her mannerisms to be really hard to look past.
But as I went on and her story unveiled, I began to see WHY she was the way she was, and I slowly began to have a soft spot for her and ended up loving her character. I found myself laughing at the things she’d say and the way she presented herself.
The book was wrapped up brilliantly and any questions I had were answered by the end.
This book would have gotten more stars if I had truly been hooked from the start but again I really struggled to get through it. No regrets on reading it though. I’m very glad I did.
If you’re interested in reading this book, I encourage you to try and get through it if you start to struggle because everything wraps up in the end and you’ll be glad you finished it and were able to find out Eleanor’s story.
Looking for Alaska by John Green

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I was getting through this book at a good pace but I felt like it really just wasn’t the book for me half way through. I wanted to read this book when I was a lot younger but fell into a reading rut and never got around to reading it. I gave it a go and honestly, if I read this a few years ago I probably would have loved it, but I really struggled to get through it, especially the “after” section. I skim read the last 40ish pages because it just dragged out way too much.
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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I just binge read this book today and could not put it down. It’s just one of those relationships that made my heart melt.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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I honestly can’t give it anything less than 5. I didn’t think I would enjoy this book but it was recommended to me and I thought I’d give it a go.
It has turned into one of my favourite books I’ve ever read. It’s does deal with heavy and confronting themes but the start had me hooked and I longed to continue reading every time I put it down.
the only flaw is that it wasn’t long enough. I would have loved more insight into Hassan’s life after Kabul or parts from his perspective. I honestly just wanted more of the book.
Would definitely recommend giving this a read.