I wanted to like this book so much more than I actually did. I picked it up after hearing it recommended for fans of Winter's Orbit and I had pretty high hopes.
I will say that I did very much enjoy Meadows' prose and dialogue. I also think their characters themselves felt quite fleshed out and a ton of them were even very likable. Velasin definitely stands out as the strongest character with the clearest voice and motivation. I've seen a few reviews from people saying they found him standoffish and therefore unlikeable, but I think that's a bit silly considering the circumstances he's in. Of course he's going to be standoffish. That's also what made him feel real! He reacted to his circumstances like a real person, flaws and all. I loved Caethari and Velasin's relationship overall and found myself really rooting for them.
Unfortunately none of this was able to make up for the faults, at least to me. To start with, I am not at all the kind of person who feels that all difficult topics are off limits to explore in fiction. However there wasn't really a reason for Velasin's sexual assault to happen in detail on page. I do give Meadows and the publishing team kudos for putting a trigger warning on the first page of the book! That was an excellent idea and I'd love to see it more often.
The most jarring problem for me was that this book is written in two different points of view. Velasin's chapters are in first person and Caethari's are in third person. It was incredibly distracting. I spent the entire book trying to figure out any artistic reason why the choice was made to write it this way and I came up blank.
Despite being a little put off I continued reading anyway because I did really enjoy the writing itself and the characters. The mystery was engaging enough that I wanted to see where it was going. Unfortunately the culprit ended up being quite literally the most obvious choice possible. Like, I had initially written this character off because I thought it would be too obvious.
I might have been able to roll with that, even if it was a little disappointing, but the real kicker was that the mystery wasn't even solved through any actual investigative work in the end! They'd chased multiple false leads over the course of the story but when it came time for them to check out the lead that would actually get them somewhere they just so happen to stumble across the culprit detailing their evil plan! I would have loved to see them cut one of the earlier false leads and actually follow this one to it's conclusion.
Overall I would probably give any future books by Foz Meadows a try and I think they're a promising author, but I would have liked to see some more discerning editing.