markandlanguage's reviews
49 reviews

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

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This book felt like the book which first got me into romance. It was diverse and fucking amazing. The amount of steaminess in this book was okay for me, but it might not be for all readers! I really loved the characters and Red's soft exterior. I also loved the switching of perspectives, being able to see each character's thoughts was great.

Some quotes I enjoyed from this book:

“Will you answer me? You don't have to." But he would, because he loved her. The thought froze him for a second before he sank into it like a feather bed. Before it became the comfort that helped him figure out how to speak. He loved Chloe. He loved Chloe like a blank canvas and a finished piece and all the exhilarating, painful, stop-and-start moments in between.”

“Try not to wet yourself with excitement, you big nerd.”

“If she was going to get any work done today, she needed to feed herself, too. She should brew green tea for the antioxidants and make a healthy breakfast rich in whole grains for slow-release energy. However, since that sounded extremely difficult and her body ached as if she'd been stomped on by a god, she improvised by eating handfuls of Coco Pops straight from the box and gulping apple juice from the carton.”

“She'd learned since rescuing it a couple of days ago that this particular cat was not like most others; it lacked all grace and spatial awareness, as evident by its current path of evacuation. Streaking off in the direction of the bedroom, it managed to hit the sofa, the base of a standing lamp, and the door frame before making good its escape. Chloe had decided that this nervous clumsiness marked the two of them as a fated pair.”

“Red,' she whispered. 'You don't always have to be okay.' She leaned closer and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He was still for a moment. But then he looked at her, and smiled, and murmured, "I know. But I am okay, with you.”
Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

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I love this book so much. Paranormal romance seemed to be my genre, and this proved it to me. I loved the characters and my heart seemed to beat loudly on every page. I am so glad this is a series, I cannot wait to read the next one! Personally, I wish the beginning was a little more exciting, and that there were actual cuss words instead of bleeps. Still, once it started to pick up its pace, I could not put the book down! Also, based on when the book was published, it was nice to see lesbians being mentioned in it. There didn't seem to be a queer character, but that fact didn't take away from experience one bit. Finally, the twist at the end had me shook. I didn't expect that coming at all.

Favorite Quotes of Mine:

“I wasn't an ever-knowing adult; I was just expected to act like one. And, yeah. a real nice family tree I had. Murder and mayhem on every gnarled branch. Hardly seemed fair.”

“Low maintenance is what's forgettable. You might want to write that down, underline it, circle it and put a star by it.”

"Magazines. Yeah. That's the only thing that made any sense. She had picked each girl out of Flawless Friends Forever, I'm sure. In comparison, I felt frumpy and way outclasses, like I'd been selected from Homeless Dogs Weekly."

"I wasn't into girls, This one could probably turn anyone. Not even Kat and her catalog friends could compare."

"Beautiful boys dated beautiful girls. That's how the world worked. And yes, by those rules, I was destined to be with a lanky lover with a tragic past. Wonderful."

"'That has nothing to do with me.' I managed to croak. It couldn't. But part of me kind of hoped that it did."

“This must be the 'corner and threaten' routine Kat had warned me about. 'I don't know who you think you are or what you think you're doing,' she snapped, 'but I will bury you if you hurt one of my friends." Yep. It was. 'I think my name is Ali Bell, and I think I'm standing here, minding my own business. You should try it.”