marzipan714's reviews
112 reviews

Annie Bot by Sierra Greer

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I genuinely wanted to like this book so much as a big fan of sci-fi. The premise of an AI sex bot wrestling with increasingly complicated human emotions and trying to navigate what that means for her within her relationship with a human that owns her sounded fascinating. But all I ended up getting was a triggering mess of an abusive relationship, unresolved plot points, and ridiculous attempts at trying to cover up blatantly racist remarks the author makes. Perhaps the author was trying to simulate actual abusive relationships where often the one being abused keeps rationalizing said abuse in their head so much that it takes them a long time to finally leave. But the only reason Annie ended up leaving was because Doug set her free so there never really felt like there was some big payoff moment where Annie gained her freedom through herself. The author makes a big show about Annie becoming interested in books and she reads voraciously for like one chapter and then nothing else comes from it and the entire time I was really hoping her reading would spark a moment of realization for her about her situation. Doug the abuser also seems to get some kind of redemption arc??? Absolutely ridiculous in my opinion and it's almost like the author was trying to garner sympathy for him at multiple points throughout the story. Doug specifically creates Annie to be very similar in appearance to his ex-wife, who is a Black woman by the way, but makes Annie much more light in skin tone and then the author randomly throws in at one point that Doug "loved" that his ex-wife was Black almost to try and make it seem not so bad that he made Annie white instead? And the random throwaway after their counseling session with a Trans counselor where Doug is like, "Could you tell she was Trans?" I mean honestly what the fuck. Too many loose ends and could not stand Annie running away with Delta and then nothing coming from that. We're just told Delta was basically 'done away with'. Also, that random AI bot that 'recognizes' Annie while she's out walking with Doug? So we're supposed to just be teased with this theory of theirs that the Zenith bots 'recognize' Annie because they have parts of her CIU within them and then we hear nothing else about that? Idk just felt like this entire story was a total crapshoot and build up to absolutely nothing at all and I feel sorry for people who picked up this book hoping for an intro into sci-fi novels because this is definitely NOT it. 
Borderline: The Biography of a Personality Disorder by Alexander Kriss

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
very dense, will return to later