The only reason this book gets two stars instead of one is because I can tell the author did spent a lot of time working on most of the book. It's ambitious and part of me wants to like it, but it just misses the mark in the end. The ending felt like he just ran out of ideas?? It felt like a bad Black Mirror episode. There is no way in hell I would have read the entire book if I knew it would be that ending... On a side note, I don't usuall enjoy a male main character in fiction books, so, this one having one man as eight different men + all the other men characters was a little insufferable by the end. The few women characters there did appear in this book weren't even cool or fleshed out!!! Based on how he writes male characters, it's probably for the best that he didn't spend a bunch of time on the women characters actually.
I would also say that there were probably only three good solid plot twists in that entire seventeen hour audiobook!!! Woof. Also, why was the author like super fat phobic? Nah, not my thing.
I sounded actually insane trying to explain the plot to my coworker. I had to draw a character chart and that didn't even help... there were some cool concepts but the shitty half baked stuff kinda ruined it for me.
"Rich is the man whose wife is dead and horse alive"
A great blend of history + the present. Overall, she did a good job at touching on the broad spectrum of race and class that further compounds women's struggles as mothers in the U.S. I think her chapters on the early days of the pandemic were easily the strongest in the book. Her discussion of Mormon mom influences was also good! (She even mentioned the ballerina farm, if you remember that big story that went viral earlier this year!)... Her discussion of mom guilt was the strongest continuous thread in this book. A very humanizing book.
An emotionally challenging read, but highly recommended to any woman that feels angry or hopeless right now. I believe that reading this is necessary more than ever with Trump being re-elected. (I'm glad that the book also discussed the homophonia and transphobia that still plagues the feminist movement.)
I was a bit surprised with how nature focused this was. I'm the type of person that has to stop reading and Google what something looks like if I've never seen it before, so it was a bit tedious at times. I now love the orange monkey flower and am a bit freaked out by the magnificent frigate bird though, lol! The title of the book ended up being my favorite of her poems
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Overall, a pretty funny read if you can get past the way that some of the women characters are written. Would definitely recommend the audio version so you can hear the sound that zombie cows make and experience a British ghoul/zombie. (Imagining a werewolf wagging it's tale because it's so happy is also a 10/10 visual.)