mcalreading's reviews
1107 reviews

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

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Love love love

This story. Wow. The prose is pure poetry.
I have been moved to tears.
This was torture. This was beauty. This is redemption. This is glory.
Read it!
A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas

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Nothing short of dazzling, breathtaking, heart-wrenching, glorious and simply magnificent. I was spell-bound from the beginning.
Perfection of words and paper.
An absolute must-read.
Bloodline by Claudia Gray

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This book shatters me and cuts me to the core every time. It’s so brilliant. The politics are so excellently and clearly written, I had no trouble following anything. Han and Leia break and warm my heart in equal measures. I’m desperate to know more of Ben and his travels with Luke. I need more Greer and Joph, tbh... but CASTERFO!!! He holds my heart. I enjoyed his character so much.... this was all brilliance and genius! And Claudia Gray has a fan for life in me!
His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik

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This was such an intriguing and unique and excellent read! I loved every moment and every word. Temeraire and Laurence were just endearing and I loved this so much!