I wanted to like this so much but main character goes from straight laced boring perfect daughter to someone willing to upend her life for someone she just met. Just totally not believable and took me out of the whole thing.
Woof. I have some conflicting feelings about this one.
Firstly, let me say that I find it incredibly unsettling that the author took real events, real people, real murders, and put a fictional spin on them. If it weren’t for the acknowledgement of a survivor of these horrific events in the acknowledgement section, I would find this completely abhorrent. As it stands, I find it distasteful and off putting, but I have to trust that due diligence was done in an attempt to publish this story responsibly and respectfully as possible. With the mix of fact and fiction, I did find it hard to keep myself immersed in the story. I think this would have been better served as complete fiction merely inspired by true events or total non-fiction written with the input and blessing of those most effected by The Defendant.
All that being said, I loved the writing style enough that this pulled up to a 3.5 stars for me. Some of the lines will stay with me for some time. I hope to read more work by this author in the future that is more solidly in the realm of fact or fiction.
I loved the first book in this series so much this one was never going to compare. But this dragged so much. The first half of this book didn’t need to happen. The ending was so satisfying but it felt like eons before we got there.
Someone needs a job and to actually accept the fact that she allows men to define her worth. Also accept that although the book is supposedly about hating men, it’s really about how much she can’t stand her mother.