meegzreads's reviews
1835 reviews

Evil Enemy by Elle Thorpe

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 *4 Stars*

I really like Eve and Boston - a great story and whilst not my fave in the Saint View world, I'm still keen to read more. The crossover time period with the Prison series threw me at first also, but I love the world and characters Elle has built, and will be diving straight into book 2 - there's more things I want to get the answers to and see how they unfold. 
If You Hate Me by Helena Hunting

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 *4 Stars*

ARC kindly received for an honest review.

I enjoyed this one even though the main characters lack of communication was quite frustrating. Tristan and Bea are both great characters underneath it all. I wasn't really a huge fan of Flip at all, only some parts at the end, but I loved the other team members and Bea's girlfriends.I did find there was a bit too much sexy time in this one though. Def a lot of NSFW scenes. Which is fine I’m sure for many, but it was a little much for me personally. I'm also wondering if we're going to get more about some of the other characters in this series.

Would recommend. 
It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover

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*4 Stars*

It's been a long time since I've read IEWU but I absolutely loved that book and the way that CoHo wrote it - of course I had to get the follow up, just as I have to get any book that she releases. 

I enjoyed this - whilst I didn't completely remember a lot of the fine details from the first book, this one still flowed really well and I truly enjoyed the parts that were more focussed on Atlas. I think he and Josh were the stars of this one for me. I loved their part of the story, more so than the Atlas and Lily parts. Don't get me wrong, those parts were great too, but I just loved the elements thrown in with Josh. Theo was a star too. 

I think things played out really well in this and it was an easy read. Especially considering the content of the first book. I definitely wouldn't recommend reading this without having read IEWU, but if you have read that one, definitely don't overlook this. Would recommend.
Force of Nature by Jane Harper

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 *4 Stars*

This one took me a while to read because I've been very busy, but I think if it wasn't for that, I would've sped through it at a reasonable pace. I like Aaron Falk and this story was intriguing - it immediately hooked you and had you thinking about all the dynamics between the people on the hike and where Alice was, and what had really happened. I didn't see the ending coming, but it played out well. I look forward to continuing the Aaron Falk series.
Where the Road Takes Me by Jay McLean

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 *4 Stars*

Another great read from Jay McLean - I've previously read the Kick, Push duet so I was familiar with our two main characters, but it's been a while so I couldn't quite remember all that much. IT was great to dive into their world and learn about these two and see how they navigate getting to know one another. It was also really great to have the moments with Josh in this book as well. Jay is great at writing books that you dive into and love the characters. Enjoyed finally getting a chance to read this one. 
The Year We Fell Down by Sarina Bowen

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 *3.5 Stars*

I didn't mind this book, but it wasn't one of my favourite Sarina books. I liked Corey - she's been through a lot and is still finding herself and dealing with everything. Hartley I liked, but I think I was just thrown off because of the whole Stacia thing, even though the reasoning comes out later in the book. I loved the secondary characters like Bridger and Dana and I will be keen to read Bridger's book. The ending of this one was quite good with some things being resolved which was quite nice. 
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros

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 *4 Stars*

I love this world that Rebecca Yarros has created, my only issue with this book was that it seemed to drag along in a fair few sections. I enjoyed the new journey that our favourites went on, and there were definitely a bunch more surprises thrown our way too. There are so many things to love in this world and plenty not to as well. One thing I adore is the connection Violet has with Tairn and Andarna - the snark levels have me smirking to myself. I was very thrown by two things that happened at the end of this book too - the first one shocked me because of the character and how they've been during the whole storyline so far, but the second? That really shocked me - and I'm so curious to see how this part of the storyline is going to move forward because its a big one. Now to wait for book 3....
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

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 *5 Stars*

Holy wow! I've had this book on my to read list for a while, and I finally grabbed it off my shelf to read and was not disappointed. I was absolutely hooked on this story, invested in the characters and their relationships and wondering who would survive and where it would all lead. The intensity of the storyline and the connections with the characters had me furiously reading and turning page after page. And that ending? I did NOT see that coming. I messaged my friend (who has previously read this) and was exclaiming my shock in shouty caps at what played out. Oh boy - I cannot wait to start book 2 later today! Highly recommend!
The Night Whistler by Greg Woodland

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.

Copy kindly received via NetGalley for an honest review.

Tried this one as it sounded good. Just couldn’t get into it. Not my style. I’m sure others will enjoy, as the synopsis does sound good.
Lethal vengeance by Robert Bryndza

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*4 Stars*

Another great instalment in the Erika Foster series. I always love these books. Quite a few twists in this one, and more than one thing for Erika and the team to uncover. An interesting concept for the idea of the murders and the girls. Loved the usual main characters but there were also some I wasn't fond of. Would recommend, and looking forward to the next book in the series.