meeraasw's reviews
161 reviews

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

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[b:November 9|25111004|November 9|Colleen Hoover||40214925] is officially my second favorite [a:Colleen Hoover|5430144|Colleen Hoover|] book after [b:Confess|22609310|Confess|Colleen Hoover||42099145]! Looking forward to read all her other books too, specially [b:It Ends with Us|27362503|It Ends with Us|Colleen Hoover||43940889]!

The story of Fallon & Ben is so beautiful & unpredicted, it blew my mind away! I don't really know how to fully review it because: (1) words can't do it justice (2) my emotions are everywhere at this moment.

Let me just start with the storyline as a whole. You get to read the story from two POVs, and guess what? YES TWO CHARACTERS & TWO UNEXPECTED PLOT TWISTS!!
It's basically an insta-love but a different type of insta-love, somehow like a semi-insta-love. God! I can't explain it logically because I don't want to spoil anything.

The story started a bit slow at the beginning, but then I enjoyed how everything brought in & back together, the plot started building up and I couldn't put it down. The last few chapters were so rushed, but truly shattered my heart into pieces, not only because of the plot twists, but also the final letters. Letters in books are my weakness point. . .

This is what I love most about Colleen's novels, they're different type of love stories, not repetitive or ordinary and for sure nothing like I've ever read. Each has its own vibe. Like for example in [b:Confess|22609310|Confess|Colleen Hoover||42099145], you get to see artwork and real confessions, and here you get to read some poetry and parts from Ben's novel. There is always something remarkable.
Beautiful Burn by Jamie McGuire

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3.5 Stars

The final book of The Maddox Brothers series <3
The story of Tyler and Ellie was nice , characters were different specially Ellie. This time she's not the "perfect" girl who knew getting on with a Maddox would be a mistake, she's totally the opposite. Gorgeous, fearless & confident.

“You’re going the right direction. No one does anything perfectly the first time. It’s going to be okay.” No one could have said anything better to me in that instant. Those three simple sentences set my soul at ease.”

She happened to be one of those who came from a rich family, on a side note, had been through so many issues, specially the fact of being alcoholic and I have to give her extra points for working super hard to prove herself instead of whining about her situation. I really loved that about her.
Her whole sister drama though was unnecessary……

And Tyler!

“He was the kind of beautiful you couldn’t buy, with his golden-brown eyes and square, scruffy chin—a symphony of perfection only flawless genes could compose.”

Oh my my! Despite the physical appearance, I would DEFINITELY choose him over his twin Taylor. His attitude, charisma, professionalism, charm, commitment are out of this world! And his love for Ellie is exceptional.
And I love it every time their love interests accidentally get mixed up between them , its funny and cute!

Ever since I started reading the series, I haven't posted any fan casting pictures of who I picture the characters. I just loved keeping them to myself xD
This time I gotta mention that Taylor Hill was my Ellie!

Beautiful Sacrifice by Jamie McGuire

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3.5 Stars

If you know me well, you'll know how much I'm obsessed with [a:Jamie McGuire|4464118|Jamie McGuire|] 's [b:Beautiful Disaster|11505797|Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1)|Jamie McGuire||16441531] books, and I looooved the fact that we got to have the Maddox Brothers series, and how all the stories interacted together.

I really enjoyed reading Taylor and Falyn's story just like the previous two books. The way everything started with them, when they meet, fall in love coincidentally,….etc. happens here just like every other Maddox brother story, each in its own way, which is ALWAYS CUTE! However there was some unnecessary drama, and some plot twists that felt…I don't know, a bit unrealistic and ruined the storyline….I mean really?!

(AND not to forget what they mentioned about Travis back in St. Thomas, what was bothering him exactly? WE NEED ANSWERS! I reeeeally hope they give us more details in [b:Beautiful Burn|23714544|Beautiful Burn (The Maddox Brothers, #4)|Jamie McGuire||43324379] )

But overall, I liked it and I've missed those characters so much!
The ending was beautiful, they truly made some beautiful sacrifices <3
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

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"Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts."

I rarely read any poetry or poetic essays but I had to read 'The Prophet', described as Kahlil Gibran’s masterpiece!

This book is philosophical, spiritual, and above all, soooo inspirational. It covered many topics such as love, joy and sorrow, freedom, passion, knowledge, friendship, time, beauty, and much more.

Highly recommended for everyone. I absolutely loved it and would definitely read it again!
The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks

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5 Beautiful Stars to one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever read!

“If we'd never met, I think I would have known my life wasn't complete. And I would have wandered the world in search of you, even if I didn't know who I was looking for.”

I loved everything in this book, let me just start with the main characters themselves: Ira, Ruth, Sophia and Luke. The whole story was broken down beautifully into two stories, the first one represents a love story of a lifetime, told by Ira and Ruth. The second one is about a new love story of Sophia and Luke.

“Remember me with joy, for this is how I always thought of you. That is what I want, more than anything. I want you to smile when you think of me. And in your smile, I will live forever” - Ruth

“After all, if there is a heaven, we will find each other again, for there is no heaven without you.” - Ira

These were two of my favorite letters lines. I honestly loved both stories very much, and got attached to the characters right from the beginning.

Ira was one of a kind, and so was Ruth, and together they had an exceptional life. These letters they've used to write to each other in every anniversary were absolutely my favorite parts to read. You can feel all the emotions: happiness, sadness, joy, love, and much more in just couple of lines! :')

All I can say about Sophia and Luke that faith had definitely brought them together <3 I enjoyed reading their part of the story very much! The plot twist and how both stories interfered and interwined with each other was so heartwarming, and I couldn't help but shedding tears. Lots of tears.

There is much more to the story that I want to share, but there are no words that would express everything I feel. [a:Nicholas Sparks|2345|Nicholas Sparks|] is one of my favorite authors of all time, and this book is definitely my new favorite !

-------Movie thoughts comparing to the book-------

First of all, I have to say that I've always been a huge fan of all Nicholas Sparks movies (well, except for [b:The Notebook|15931|The Notebook (The Notebook, #1)|Nicholas Sparks||1498135] for some reason). And before reading [b:The Longest Ride|17407748|The Longest Ride|Nicholas Sparks||24248331], I haven't read any of his books, instead I just watch the movies and enjoy them. This time I decided to read the book before watching the movie, and I'm so glad I did.

And just like all the other movie adaptations, not everything was there, and I have to admit that here, around 85% of the storyline plots occurred differently in the book comparing to the movie. Yet, the story was still BEAUTIFUL and I LOVED it, even though it missed out so many details, and that unfortunately included missing out the final letter Ira had wrote to Ruth. It might not be very important to some people, but to me personally, I think it's one of the most beautiful 1-page-and-a-half I've ever read, and I was so touched by the thoughtfulness and love in his words, and honestly cried my eyes out for a couple of minutes before moving on to the next chapter. I strongly believe that adding this letter specifically in that part at the ending of the book wrapped up the story in the best way ever.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

This is the main moral behind this book. It is filled with inspirations and absolutely life changing!

The adventurous tale of Santiago, the shepherd boy who chased his dream to find a treasure, is going to change the way you look at life in terms of faith and believing in yourself. Despite everything he had gone through (good and bad), he still believed in his journey at the end, and couldn't be more thankful.
The journey that offered all those treasures he found along his way because of the wisdom given by the alchemist who taught him many life lessons including listening to our hearts, and that love shouldn't keep us from pursuing our destinies. But above all, believing in our dreams and working hard to achieve them. No matter where life takes us, everything is 'maktub', and everything happens for a reason.

And always remember that:
“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.” - The Alchemist

I highly recommend it to everyone!
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

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“Love isn't always pretty. Sometimes you spend all your time hoping it'll eventually be something different. Something better. Then, before you know it, you're back to square one, and you lost your heart somewhere along the way.”

First of all, I would say that this love story literally broke all the rules. It keeps on lifting you up and down in a roller coaster of emotions between being annoyed, confused, mad, frustrated sad and happy.
I can't say that I loved this book, but I don't hate it either. It's just something in between. I've been confused and frustrated from the characters and their actions throughout reading 30 chapters, and it had me like okay whats going on in here? How far will this keeps on going?
Then baaaaaam!! During the last few chapters, the plot got twisted and everything started to make much more sense.

“I know the thought of confronting your past terrifies you.It terrifies every man. But sometimes we don't do it ourselves. We do it for the people we love more than ourselves.”

Let's start with Tate, she's a nurse who's studying and working to get her masters degree. Moving in with her brother Corbin, who is a pilot.
Tate's character is loveable, she's nice and sweet.
And then there is Miles. The absolutely charming pilot who is one of her brother's friends and had her fall head over heels for him. Something really bad happened in his past that made him take a promise to himself to never love again, but because of that everything he does gets weird and confusing.
So they both agreed on a deal (which I found disturbing, and so damn awkward) as long as Tate stick to the two rules Miles had for her. And here comes the confusing part, it's just so annoying and Miles was so frustrating. He would do anything to never break those rules, and Tate is just okay with it even if she was dying to know the reasons behind Miles behaviours. She wanted to know what happened with him in the past right from the beginning, but instead she acts as if everything is fine because she is so attracted to him and doesn't want to loose him (wow Tate). There is no girl on Earth that would accept such a relationship/no relationship that they had! Sometimes its even breaking her heart, and again, she's just okay with it (WHAT THE HELL?) *ughhh* It also had negative impacts on other characters like her brother Corbin, and Miles' childhood friend Ian (I mean come on, of course it will). The whole thing made me so sick and confused…….

“Hearts get infiltrated. Promises get broken. Rules get shattered. Love gets ugly.”

It sure gets ugly. Very ugly.

“Ugly love becomes you.
Consumes you.
Makes you hate it all.”

The plot twist FINALLY revealed the reasons behind Miles attitude. He has been in pain this whole time and I don't blame him for it. Although I was expecting something else but this was soooo hard and heartbreaking :'(
I was glad though that the story was written mainly from two points of views, Miles is giving us a full picture about what happened six years ago, and Tate is talking about the present in a sequence of life events, which made it interesting.

“It's the beautiful moments like this that make up for the ugly love”

I'm not going to spoil here but getting a glimpse of Rachel's new life was for sure one of the biggest twists in this story. It was a moment that was filled with emotions and brought back so many memories :') This inspired and taught him that no matter what happened, pain will never go away, but he should allow himself to love again instead of letting pain and sorrow consumes his life. And this pretty much lead us to the happy and lovely ending of Miles and Tate's story <3