meganwintrip's reviews
114 reviews

Killers Behind Bars: Britain's Deadliest Murderers Tell Their Stories by Kate Kray

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This was such an interesting read, we always hear the accounts of the victims/victim's family but we don't often hear the stories from the culprits themselves.

As imaginable it is difficult for the families who have lost loved he's ones due to these people but it is exhilarating to hear the other side of the story. Well... Their story. Some admit what they have done, some still say they don't know what happened and some just plain and simply lie and say they didn't do it, it was someone else. The book contains the crimes of: John Straffen, Daniel Reece, James Dowsett, Harry Roberts, Linda Calvey, Colin Richards, Charlie Smith, Avril Gregory, Richard John Dennick and finally Sue Butterworth.

I enjoyed the honesty and I love the way Kate Kray captured the stories of each assailant. I like how she explained each case thoroughly, what the person did and also what it was like meeting them. She met some of the criminals through her husband Ronnie Kray and her brother in law Reggie Kray.

The book itself is well layed out, nicely written and an overall such a great read.
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

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Wow.. what an amazing read this was. The true story about Susanna Kaysen and her journey with mental illness. I literally couldn't put the book down it was so good. I've seen the movie and I loved it, I'm so glad I finally got the book!

I love that Susanna inserted pages from her hospital file into the book too, (she got her 350 page hospital file through her lawyer). It's so fascinating reading all the notes the doctor's made and the assumptions they wrote down.

Just being thrown into a taxi cab and taken to a hospital for your mental illness must have been scary, it was the 60s I suppose and back then they were prone to throwing you away until you were "better", they put you away for so many ridiculous reasons. Compared to now; where they like to help you within the community as it benefits the individuals more, although there are still some cases where it is safer for the individual to be put into an institution for a while.

Susanna was diagnosed with a personality disorder, she was in the psychiatric hospital with a few girls called Lisa, Daisy, Polly, Cynthia and Georgina. All the girls had disorders such as Eating disorders and Schizophrenia; apart from Lisa, Lisa was a sociopath.

The book follows Susanna's journey at the psychiatric hospital alongside her friends that she made there. It follows her time at the hospital, her mental illness journey and her recovery to the outside world. You also get a little insight of the life of Lisa and Georgina who Susanna stayed in contact with after getting out of the hospital.

Such a wonderfully written book and parts of it are really relatable. I highly recommend it.
The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison

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My heart broke so many times reading this
M. Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense: A Novelization by M. Night Shyamalan, Peter Lerangis

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Cole an 8 year old boy is in the need of a good psychologist, he ends up being the patient if an award winning doctor called Malcolm Crowe. Malcolm was shot the year before by an old patient from a decade ago, he can't help but see the resemblance between his old patient and Cole. Malcolm doesn't want to fail Cole like he feels he did with his old patient so he keeps helping Cole only to find in helping Cole it reveals what is really going on.

In helping Cole it seems to have an effect on Dr Crowe's marriage and his wife gets very depressed and doesn't talk to him, she seems angry with him and never lets him in to her thoughts and feelings that he is trying to help her with.

Cole sees dead people all around him, all the time and can't get rid of them. Once he reveals this to Malcolm he feels better but is also still very scared. Malcolm suggests he listens to the ghosts and help them, then he would get some peace from them and they could to to where toy need to be.

He's also scared because Malcolm doesn't realise he is dead, he died when he was shot the year before. This makes Malcolm realise why his wife won't talk to him, why she won't listen to him.. because she can't see him because he is no longer living.
The Houseplant: A Short Story by Jeremy Ray

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The House Plant wad such a great short story.

Ok I admit it... I cried, I want to blame pregnancy hormones, can I do that?
Gwendy's Magic Feather by Richard Chizmar

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Wow what a great second addition to the Gwendy series. Gwendy is back again with her button box in the second installment if the series. She has alot to do this time around, she is an accomplished author, has several awards from her books being made into movies, she's a congresswoman now and fighting for rights.

With all of that going on Gwendy's husband Ryan is in another country doing his job and she barely hears from him due to the circumstances over there, then Gwendy's mother gets ill and finally back in Castle Rock some teenage girls have gone missing with their families worried sick.

Gwendy receives her "magic feather" she had as a child from her parents, she used to call it her magic feather and it would make things right again.

Gwendy sees the button box again for the first time in 25 years. Can Gwendy help herself, her husband, her sick mother and the missing girls?

Thus is such a great book, I can't wait for the third installment next year.
The Baby is Mine by Oyinkan Braithwaite

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I've wanted this book for so long and I finally have it....but I was a bit nervous reading it as I am a new mummy.

Two women claiming to be baby Remi's mother, they are also in a feud with one another because the women were both seeing the same man. In fact one is the wife and one is the mistress of Folu.

Bambi has split with his girlfriend who he cheated on so decided to take refuge at his uncles house. His uncle passed away but the house still remains. When Bambi gets there he is stunned to see his aunt Bidemi, baby Remi and another woman called Esohe who is the mistress of his late uncle.

Bambi tries to get a maternity tests but they are in the middle of the pandemic so they aren't priority at the moment. Only time will tell who the boys mother is. Bambi decides to start looking after baby Remi in order to stop the two women squabbling over him. Then the truth emerges of which one if the ladies is Remi's mother. Both women are unfit as mothers; both as dangerous as the other, one made Remi bleed by trying to give him tribal marks on his face and the other made him really sick by giving him old spoiled milk.

Bambi decides enough is enough and leaves with baby Remi to give him a better life.

I throughly enjoyed this book it was very intriguing, fast paced and I couldn't put it down.
How to Stop Overthinking: The 7-Step Plan to Control and Eliminate Negative Thoughts, Declutter Your Mind and Start Thinking Positively in 5 Minutes or Less by Scott Sharp, Chase Hill

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This kindle read had some helpful tips and tricks most of them I knew but others I thought were helpful which was nice.

Sometimes it felt as though I wad being told off with some of the remarks, sentences and paragraphs in the book which wasn't nice.

Overall it was okay.
The Summer Children by Dot Hutchison

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The 3rd installment in the collector series.

Agents Eddison, Hanoverian and Ramirez are back again. This time Children are being taken to Ramirez' house and left on the porch by "The Angel Lady". She has been killing the parents of children who are from abusive homes; whether the children have been physically abused or sexually abused, they are left on the agents porch and told she will take care of them.

Ramirez and the team try and piece together who is doing this and why. They go through CPS files, video footage and talk to the unfortunate children to try and get a picture of who this might be and why.

Ramirez has been told she needs to be hands off this case due to it involving her. She is allowed to see the children who are left as orphans due to the "Angel Lady".

Ramirez and the team do some digging involving CPS to find out about the kids. And more kids keep showing up at places with notes on them to ask for Agent Mercedes Ramirez.

After alot of work and digging they finally work out who the "Angel Lady" is. She works for CPS and they have spoken to her about the case at the CPS office, she had changed her name. Ramirez rescued her after she was found being abused by her father and his friends. The "Angel Lady" hates abusive parents and so she kills them.

This was a fantastic book, I throughly enjoyed this third installment of the collector series. I can't wait to read the last one!.
Petrified Women by Jeremy Ray

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Wow I think I was the petrified woman reading this!