meganyntan's reviews
323 reviews

My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren

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lying and secret keeping tropes are fucking stupid pls
Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb

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Sure took me 2.5 months to read it but the ending and the prose definitely made up for the slow start
Honey Trap by Tate James

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Tate James rly had to ruin a perfectly good trashy book with "for an asian" smh
The Push by Ashley Audrain

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Now I extra don't want to have kids lol

I saw the ending from a mile away and the last line was cheesy as fuck. The writing was hard to get into and idk if I ever really got into it
Dead Man Walking by Giana Darling

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Starting the year off strong w a psychopath killer romance book that gets ruined at the end w pregnancy, gotta love it
The Bone Ships by RJ Barker

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90% of this book felt like a prologue with all the worldbuilding and it didn't give me a chance to get attached to the characters. There was so much jargon/info dumping the the glossary was quite lacking. That's not to say that the worldbuilding wasn't well done, but my favorite character was a mythical wind bird that had like 50 words of dialogue max so??

The last 3 pages made me wanna read the next one and I've been told the trilogy gets better so tbd ig
Alone With You in the Ether by Olivie Blake

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This was the kind of pretentious shit that really speaks to me, way better than TA6